The day has come

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It was a bright sun outside, the garden was green and flowers started to bloom gently in the sunlight, the neighborhood is asleep right now, forgetting about this beauty of nature—civilization minding its own business. Everything was amazing until Kroniis's alarm started vibrating. Tho this was supposed to be one big day for Kronii, she still wants to sleep and start dreaming about finally becoming rich or trolling Baelz with one of her old techniques. And that is what she did, she continued to sleep but annoyingly, a ringtone was heard by her. It was a call from Baelz well, more like 3 of them. Kronii answers the phone call with a weak tap.

-KRONII WHERE ARE YOU?!   says an angry rat

-In my comfy bed, what's wrong?  says Kronii with a sleepy voice


-wait WHAT?!  

-YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME THE HOUR TO BE THERE HOW CAN I GUESS?!  says Kronii and starts to wake up

-JUST COME HERE ALREADY! says Baelz and closes the phone call

Kronii sighs and starts to change her pajamas, she chooses a brown printed t-shirt with a barn owl because that is her favorite owl. And some basic jeans, but adds a pocket watch. Kronii loves to collect old clocks and repair them if the case. With her formal style, she sure looks like she can fire you without saying words about you, but inside she cares much about people and her reputation. She gets ready and heads to Baelz's house walking because it wasn't so far away. People look at her because she is well known for her hard-working but at the same time even for her screams when she watches a horror film with jumpscares or videogames. Some people greet her others watch her. Finally, she is in front of Baelz's door, she starts knocking and waits for the door to open. The door opens and one red-haired with an oversize button-down shirt, skinny jeans, and Adidas.

-It took you a lot to come, come in Warden.   says Baelz while looking at her face, still looking sleepy to the rat.

Kronii enters the corridor and gets surprised when she sees her other childhood friend Fauna with a cup of tea drinking it carefully because of the hotness. She was wearing a classic white tank top and bootcut jeans. Her greenish hair made her look like a teenager but Kronii knows her personality is just like a mother's. Kronii then gets interested when she sees a brown-haired woman with a sweet face worrying in front of Fauna. She seems like a shy person, says kronii in her mind. The woman is wearing a bodysuit with jeans and she was drinking berry juice.

Interesting.   says Kronii in her head again

Kronii takes her shoes and enters the living room while the two girls look at her, the shyest person in the room was the brown woman. 

Who knows what she was thinking?

-Finally, everyone is here!   Bae breaks the silence while kronii got a seat in a chair

-So, kronii. This girl is Nanashi Mumei, she was Fauna's childhood friend since they were 7 years old.  says Bae pointing at the brown woman

Fauna looks at Mumei and smiles then starts to look into Warden's eyes with a mix of positive and hopeful emotions. The Warden stares back, reminding her of the good times she had with Baelz, Sana, and Fauna. 

-It's been so long since we talked Kronii.   says Fauna almost crying about all the happiness she had with them in high school.

-Are you still flirting with your reflection?  says Fauna wiping her tears and starting to laugh 

At these words, Mumei starts to chuckle.

Kronii, embarrassed hides her face and tries to change the subject.

-Yeah yeah, anyway Mumei, you say?  Kronii gets serious and waits for some details about her new roommate

-ye-yeah, I am Nanashi Mumei. And I need a place to stay because I am afraid to stay in my childhood house after the.   she stops and looks at Fauna while Fauna consoles her with a sad face.

-It-it's ok if you can't talk about it. I just wanted to know more about you. says Kronii trying to not make Mumei cry

Mumei looks at the Warden, wipes her tears, and starts to become confident.

-I would do everything for a room and a new friend.  says Mumei, and looks deep into Kronii's eyes 

Kronii looks into her eyes and understands her pain, she was touched by her words.

Baelz took a glance at the two of them and wants to bet on them. But then she sees Fauna with a face of "not now Baelz" and she calms herself.

-Soo Kronii, what is the answer?   says Fauna with a calm tone

-I will let her, just if she pays her bills. says Kronii serious

Hearing this, Mumei jumps happily and goes to the Warden to hug her. Kronii feels awkward but hugs back, she is not a hug person type. Fauna smiles at the two of them and drinks the rest of the tea and then.

-Thank you, Kronii. I hope we can all meet again sometimes and talk more.  says Fauna happily at Warden, then at Mumei.

-Of course! We can chit-chat and make a group with the fourth of us. Maybe even add Sana to it! says Baelz with pure happiness

-Who knows what she is doing right now, I miss her a lot. says Fauna 

-God bless, I still have her phone number after all these years. says Baelz

Kronii takes the pocket watch and hurries.

-I was supposed to meet someone at this hour, fuck.  says Kronii and looks at Mumei

-You have the suitcase with you, right? says Kronii serious

-Ye-yeah but I still need to buy some things. says Mumei looking at Kronii's "on-point" reaction

-We will go to the mall when we can, let's hurry.  says Kronii

-YOo chill down a little mate, you forgot that I drive a car? says Baelz smuggly

-I can drive y'all where you guys need.  says Baelz looking at Warden

-No thanks, I will not let you make fun of me because I didn't get my car permit. says Kronii half stressed

-I will not, just driving you two home.  says Baelz trying to act innocent

-Come on Kronii, you seem very stressed.  says Fauna with her motherly voice

-FINE  says Kronii and ties her shoes, while Mumei tries to move the suitcase but couldn't.

-Need some help with that? says Kronii after she notices Mumei struggling to move the full suitcase.

- Yes.  says Mumei while still wondering why Kronii is so stressed.

Kronii gets the suitcase, she could move it in the car, and then she enters Baelz's car.

It is a Land Rover, inside it is full of coffee and even smells like it.

-Gezz dude, clean your car.  says Kronii while looking disgusted

-Says the one that does not even have a car.  says Bae and smirks at Kronii

-You little-  says Kronii but it's interrupted by Baelz

The three of them head to Kronii's home, Mumei was surprised when she saw how big it was. She was happily enjoying every exterior design it had. Then Kronii gets Mumei's suitcase and opens the door.

-See ya later dude!  says Baelz and enters her car

-See ya. says Kronii and Mumei in unison

(Ok, I will end up from here because I need to go and take a nap.)

(Hope you enjoy it)


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