Time slows down a little

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Fauna and Kronii shared their story in a room alone, and eventually found out that they had something that made this accident happen. Fauna was a target of the gang since she was known to have a friendship with Amelia Watson when Amelia first discovered that gang. While Baelz wasn't, but she knew Amelia Watson well, Amelia took care to secure her friends, but when the gang discovered some of her friendships by her actions with them. Right now Amelia will try to secure Kronii from the accident before she will end up just like how Fauna was. But that would make the gang discover more about the detective. Amelia Watson was risking her life to save them!

Kronii and Fauna felt bad for her, but deep inside they know that they should hide for now until things are secure with their pieces of information. They decided to don't tell Baelz and Mumei about this because it is already too much for them to process.

-Fauna, we need to stick together. says Kronii and looks serious

-But how? says Fauna 

-If they found out that we all stay together this will make an impression what if you stay with Baelz and make it a pact to give you the information that I get from Amelia? says Kronii and tries to think about how the gang will act

-What if I stay at my hom- says Fauna but is interrupted by Kronii

-If you go home, you will be the easiest target for them, we must stick together but at the same time not make it suspicious. says Kronii and takes her accessory from Amelia Watson

-Take this. says Kronii and gives the accessory to Fauna while explaining how to use it

-But you? says Fauna and looks at Kronii, worried

-I have the gun, I used it once. I can use it again! says Kronii, positive

They agreed and left the room noticing Baelz and Mumei standing worried at what they both talked about. 

-Baelz, are you good if I stay with you until things slow down a little? says Fauna waiting for the answer, Baelz smiled

-Of course, everything seems bad so we must stick together. says Baelz 

-But you guys just came... Let's at least have a hang-out. says Mumei sad

-I don't know, Mumei. says Kronii worried 

Mumei gives some puppy eyes to Kronii, and she couldn't take it because that reminded her of the night when she was sad and once again feels bad.

-Fine, maybe a little hang-out will be good. says Kronii and looks away 

Mumei smiles and takes Fauna to the living room to play some games. Baelz looked at Kronii, she still had questions to ask.

-Kronii, what happened there? says Baelz worried

-I was in a Hotel full of members of that gang, Amelia gave me protection, but when I shooted one that tried to get me they were suspicious about my presence there. says Kronii serious

-You mean that now it's war, right? says Baelz and gets serious

-I think so. says Kronii

-Do you have another gun with you? says Baelz, willing to help Kronii 

-No, just one. says Kronii

-Ok then. says Baelz knowing what to do

They end the discussion, and Baelz decides to go play some with Fauna and Mumei some games while Kronii just stood thinking. The only possibility that she had is to act normal as if nothing happened. Until she would get a message from Amelia to take action.

She tries to calm down, and right then she notices some things that changed in the house, she had artificial plants with artificial flowers. The new bookshelf and the ceiling had been changed completely. It wasn't very much change, but it was admirable.

Dog Mutt was sleeping on Mumei's bed while Animal was down with the others. Mumei took care of both of them while she was gone. Kronii pets dog Mutt and goes to her room, same as always. Only one thing was different, the bed.

It had the scent of Mumei, sweet vanilla. Kronii liked the scent since it was calming and sweet.

Kronii organizes her table still full of some papers, and then she sees Mumei's laptop.

What is her laptop doing here? 

It was open, and there was her plan for a building, why would she leave it here open?

She decided to put it on the bed, she had a goal. To clean her desk and organize things a little bit in her room since she was inspired by the museum she visited. A lot of work she had to do, but she was motivated to make her room clean.

After some hours, she hears the door opening.

-Kronii? says Mumei entering the room, noticing Kronii busy

-Yeah? says Kronii and looks at her

-Fauna and Baelz decided to go shopping are you coming? says Mumei 

-Yeah, sure. says Kronii after placing some books on her bookshelf

-ok, we are waiting for you down. says Mumei 

-wait! says Kronii while Mumei was close to the exit

-I found your laptop here. says Kronii and points at the laptop on the bed

-O-oh, I forgot about it, thanks Kronii. says Mumei and takes it and leaves

Everything seems normal, but she knows that Mumei eventually will ask too about her trip once she is alone with Kronii.

She changes and goes down to see Fauna and Baelz waiting while Mumei placed some food for Animal.

-We are ready? says Baelz and gets her car key

-Yeah. says the rest 

-Ok then, let's go shopping, girls! says Baelz and unlocks the car 

Baelz recommended that Mumei sit with Kronii in the back and had a smug smile ready she wanted to do something to the "love birds" and decided to drive fast like a real chad.

She did make Kronii hit on Mumei while Kronii was screaming at Baelz to drive carefully.

-When you will get your car driving license, Kronii. says Baelz with a wide smile

They finally arrive at the Mall and start going everywhere the most excited there was Mumei since it was a hang out with friends which made it more fun for her. Kronii once again just looked at everyone buying and didn't get anything. Mumei then remembered that day when Kronii bought her the skirt. Payback huh? Yes!

But what should Mumei get for Kronii?

She looks at Kronii and sees that she stared at some earrings but then decided to leave them. She cheeks the earrings and sees one with blue ribbons. Those will look good for Kronii I can feel it.

She buys them and hides them carefully while smiling happily to have Kronii again with her.

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