The plan is in implication

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Everyone got the plan and decided to make it fast. Everyone returned home while Calli, Kiara, Ina, and Gura stayed there. Mumei and Kronii were the first to go there, but they had some time left to prepare some stuff. Kronii took the suitcase with the money and texted Calli where she would find it. After that, she changed into a suit. Making herself elegant for the war that she will start with her friends. Mumei didn't have a suit and since she was a bodyguard she needed one for meeting the superior ones.

-Kronii, do you have a suit left? Mumei and Kronii turn to see Mumei looking everywhere for something good.

-Yeah, I have a lot. Kronii says and goes to her room to search for a good suit for Mumei.

Kronii searches and finds one that had become a little smaller for Kronii. It was a simple one, but it had an interesting model. It was one that Kronii used to wear in the last year of high school. Kronii grabs it and goes to Mumei's dorm where she was still searching. 

-Here, I think it will fit you. says Kronii, and Mumei turns to look at it.

-Thanks, Kronii. Mumei says coming closer and putting it on.

It was perfect for Mumei, even Kronii was impressed at how perfect it fitted her. Mumei smiled, looked in the mirror, and turned to Kronii. 

-Let's go. says Mumei, and Kronii nods in agreement.

They both had a lot to get ready, even the dogs since they should come too. Calli would take the dogs with the suitcase while they would go to the Mafia getting in what they usually do until they get the sign.


On the other hand, Baelz arranges Irys tie and moves closer, giving a small kiss to Irys that smirked at how affectionate Baelz was.

-Am I so hot or are you scared that I will kick all of them while you stay in the car? says Irys and looks at Baelz getting angry but staying silent.

-I will curse you so hard if you get hurt, only I can hurt you. says Baelz and chokes Irys a little before giving another passionate kiss.


Fauna felt bad because she would leave her plants, but she wanted to help the others. She knew deep inside that incident was something planned. Before she could water her last time the plants she texted Sana.

-Sana, I miss you so much!! ~Fauna

-I hope wherever you are now to be happy and prosperous. ~Fauna

-I have been feeling bad lately. ~Fauna

Fauna stopped, she didn't want to spam her, so she closed the phone and turned to her plants.


Calli noticed the messages and got ready to get the dogs and the suitcase, the others stayed in the living room still talking about their plan.

-Calli? Can I come with you? Kiara says she noticed Calli in a rush. 

-I will come back, there is no point to come with me kusotori. Says Calli and opens the door

-Come on Call - Before Kiara could say more Calli had already closed the door.

Kiara always tried to make Calli have time for her, but she was always busy with something, from her recordings to her deals and what she does in general. Calli was a workaholic, making Kiara think how could Calli be so strong emotionally to keep everything together.

-Auch, love sure hurts. says Gura, and Kiara stares at her with a sad expression.

-I tried everything. Kiara says and Ina hugged her for comfort.

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