Hangs out with friends

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Yesterday Mumei and Kronii could finish their work so this day they could do whatever they want, only one thing was against it. Kronii wanted to sleep while Mumei wanted to go somewhere with Kronii and finally give her the earrings she bought for Kronii.

-Come on Kronii. says Mumei, but Kronii was already asleep in her bed

Mumei was next to the door, she opened it and saw the sleepy Kronii. Mumei didn't wake up Kronii since she was sleeping so calmly.

I still need to give her the earrings. says Mumei in mind 

Mumei goes to get the earrings that are in a small box. Entering her room, she noticed finally that she must make it clear since she couldn't find the objects, that she needed. She found the earrings with some effort.

First, let me give her the earrings. says Mumei in her head, and goes to Kronii's room with the small box

She places them on the table and leaves to her room to clean a little, and became bored of it after 30 minutes of cleaning. She called Fauna and decided to hang with her.

-Of course, I can Mumei. says Fauna with her soft voice

-All that I have to do is to take care of the plants I planted at Baelz's place. Irys helped me a little bit yesterday but she left because she had a concert.

-Concert? says Mumei, confused

-Yeah, she is a singer, and she gave me an album. says Fauna 

-She is a nice person, I don't understand why Baelz and Irys always fight. says Mumei 

-That is how they love each other. says Fauna remembering the high school days

-Love sure is complicated, isn't it? says Mumei and wonders while Fauna was silent for a moment

-Yeah, it really is, huh? says Fauna breaking the silence

-You had problems with love? says Mumei knowing that Fauna doesn't make silent only if she has something on her mind

-It's ok, she left anyway. I hope she is fine where she is right now. says Fauna

-I will not ask then. says Mumei understanding Fauna

-Where and what hour should we hang out? says Mumei

They plan the place and the hour and they decided to first go to a park and then go to Baelz's house to help Fauna with her replantation. Mumei knew how to take care of plants since Fauna taught her when she was at a sleepover at Fauna's place while Mumei's mother wasn't home.

Mumei changes herself and chooses a soft aesthetic outfit, a white shirt and a pullover cream-colored with a black skirt and belt. She didn't want to use the skirt that Kronii gave her since she didn't want it to get dirty.

When she exits her room, she checked Kronii to see if she is still asleep and she was still sleeping peacefully recovering from everything she did this week. 

I just hope that when she wakes up she won't be hungry since she will surely command Subway. says Mumei and leaves her room

She leaves the house and takes Time Mutt since he wanted to go with her while Animal was sleeping on the sofa. 

They walk to the park and people greet her like she is a friend to everyone.

What is happening? says Mumei in mind confused, and greets back to everyone confused

She eventually enters the park and sees Fauna next to a tree. Mumei waves to her and Fauna looks at her smiling.

-You look good Mumei! says Fauna

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