The feeling

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After all the conversations Mumei and Kronii had, they decided to stay a little longer awake and laugh at some memes they found.

-So relatable. says Mumei and giggles at one meme Kronii showed her

-I know right? says Kronii and smiles 

Mumei stares at Kronii while she cheeked other memes with a smile.

She looks so beautiful with that smile on her face. says Mumei and gets closer to Kronii

-Can I stay next to you to see the memes? says Mumei and Kronii looks at her and nods 

But Mumei after getting sufficiently close finds a cuddle position so she can see the phone but at the same get comfortable with Kronii. She cuddles and Kronii became surprised by her action once again. 

Kronii felt a little embarrassed but she enjoy it so she let her cuddle, it reminded her of the day before she left. That made her sad a little and Mumei observed that.

-O-oh I am sorry if you are not comfortable with that. says Mumei and gets worried and tries to move away but Kronii stops her

-N-no, It just reminded me of the day before I left you. says Kronii and looks worried at what she did

Mumei looks sad at her, it was her fault for being so selfish and wanting every moment to be with Kronii, she couldn't stop this feeling. Somehow it made her worse, she knew what she felt but she couldn't say it. Kronii notices her sadness and did something that made her blush hard. She pulls Mumei closer to her enough so she could feel her body close to hers and she lets her head fall on Mumei's shoulders. She blushes hard and good that Mumei couldn't see her face since she was a mess. Mumei was surprised by her action blushing a little and smiling.

-Since when were you so cuddly? says Mumei but Kronii doesn't answer still embarrassed

They both stayed in silence until Kronii became sleepy, but after she could finally fall asleep she said something that surprised Mumei.

-What are we? says Kronii soft and falls asleep

Mumei didn't know kronii fell asleep, she was thinking if she should say it or not. Embarrassed she said it.

-We are lovers that just discovered these adventures, this is what I feel. says Mumei but she couldn't see Kronii's face

Mumei feels her cheeks get redder at the silence that turned. She could feel Kronii's hot breath close to her neck and that made her heart beat faster. I just confessed and right Kronii is leaving me with too many feelings. After some time of blushing heavily and silence, Mumei heard a snort making Mumei confused.

Was she sleeping from the start? Does that mean she didn't hear me right? How could she sleep right on my shoulders? 

Mumei had a lot of questions that she couldn't answer at how confused she was, she felt relief that Kronii didn't hear her at that moment but at the same time she felt sad, she could finally say her feelings but right then Kronii couldn't listen to her. Mumei pokes her head and she really was sleeping. How could Mumei move if Kronii is sleeping right on her shoulders?

She tries to place slowly Kronii's head on one of her pillows but Kronii's arms were still wrapped around her torso making it hard for her to escape the snuggle. If Mumei could try she would wake her up and she didn't want any uncomfortable moments with her so the only choice she had was to accept it and fall asleep with her. 


Mumei woke up in the brown tent that she already knew as one of her escapes from reality but she didn't need this anymore, right?

She looks around and finds herself with her feathers from Kronii, good that she had a tie to put the feathers in and make them useful and beautiful accessories she wanted to show Kronii how beautiful it really is. And gets ready with one of her outfits for exploring places (her debut outfit) that had her lamp ready and a dagger in case some dangerous animal decided to attack them.

She gets out of the tent and sees Kronii wearing a blue hoodie with a jacket and some jeans, she was admiring the sky and seemed to think of something, then she noticed Mumei with the feathers she gives her and she looked so cute with her adventure outfit. 

Mumei came closer to her and noticed Kronii smiling and getting her jacket off and putting it on Mumei

-Aren't you cold? this wind can get you sick. says Kronii looking worried but still with a smile on her face

Mumei didn't even notice that the wind was strong, she really was too concentrated on Kronii

-Thanks, I didn't notice the wind. says Mumei, and Kronii hugged her

-Be a little careful, ok?  says Kronii and lets go of the hug

Mumei felt warmer because of the hug and because of the jacket.

-I will not get sick since you are here with me. says Mumei and Kronii blushes a little

-Where is Fauna? asks Mumei noticing the silence between them

-She went to find some berries for you, she told me to stay here for you. says Kronii and turns to look at the sky

-Isn't it beautiful, Mumei? says Kronii still looking at the sky

-Yeah, it is. says Mumei and looks at the sky

Kronii turns to Mumei to face her with something Mumei expected

-So looks like something changed isn't it? says Kronii and stares at Mumei

-You were right, I understand what was happening with me then. says Mumei and turns to face Kronii's stare

-And what are you going to do now? says Kronii playing with Mumei's hair while Mumei was thinking

Then one idea came to her mind, embarrassed or not she wanted to try that.

Mumei comes closer and Kronii already understood what she wanted to do.

-Before you do it, remember that this will be just a dream. says Kronii but Mumei ignored that and went for a passionate kiss, for a first kiss she enjoyed it.

Kronii pulled her closer while Mumei wrapped her arms around Kronii's neck, everything felt so real for Mumei and she couldn't get it out of her head. It doesn't matter if it was a dream or not, that made her feel loved.

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