Kazuha ( Fake boyfriend ) [ One-shot ]

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( This is a modern, highschool A U ) -AUTHOR CHAN


You've being getting bullied by this one guy name { Random Name } for few weeks now. Rumors has it that he has a crush on you~ but you don't really believe in those rumors.

You don't want to sound rude but he is really annoying, he doesn't leave you alone and would make fun of you and annoy you. a lot.

Then__ one day, Kazuha came up to you saying he wants to talk to you about something important. And of course you'd say yes, I mean this is the boy that you have a secretly crush on.

Then he lead you to somewhere private so you guys can talk and no one can hear or interfere.

"Uhmm.. so__ what is the important thing that you want to talk to me about, so privately?" you asked.

"it's about { Random Name }..." he answered looking serious.

"hmm? what about him?" you asked him again.

"well__ I heard the rumors, saying that__ he might have a crush.. on you. and I believe that you might also have heard the rumors too, yourself by now..." he said.

"yes, I have, but I don't really believe in those though. why would he have a crush on a person like me? But even if he did have a crush on... me then I can't accept him." you said.

"hmm well I can help you with it. " he said.

"oh. That's__ very kind of you, Kazuha. But why are you deciding on helping me?" you asked, curious about why does he wants to help you.

It's not like you two are friends or something, there's only a few hellos, heys between you two, and that's all.

Then why? Why does he wants to help you out? "well you see,you're a really kind heart person and I consider you as my friend.. I would hate to see you in a problem" he answered.

"aww__ is that so. aham! I mean, I really appreciate it. So, how are you going to help me then? What's the plan." you said.

"well for that, I'll have to be your boyfriend"


"I mean fake boyfriend."

"o-oh you mean a pretend relationship...?" you said with a blush on your cheeks 'in a pretend relationship with my crush! Ahh' you fangirled in side your head.

"yes" he said like this is the most normal thing ever.

"umm.. can you give me some time to think about it?" you asked.

"sure" he said.

"if it is okay then can we exchange numbers that way I can text you when I am ready with my answer, only IF! you are okay with it then..." you said.

He chuckled "let's exchange numbers" he said as he take out his phone and then exchange numbers with you. [ by the way he named your contact Y/n with a heart emoji next to it ]

"well then I'll see you tomorrow, bye Y/n" he said as he started walking away.

"Bye Kazuha!" you relied. As he went out of your site.

As Kazuha was walking towards his house, he toke out his phone and opened it and then went to contacts, only to smile and stare at the newly made contact named { Y/n♡ }

When he got home, he yelled "I'm home!" to let his moms know that he is home and then quickly went up stairs to his room.

( I'm sorry but I ship Beidou and Ningguang (/ω\) ) -AUTHOR CHAN

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