Cat Xiao x reader

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( Modern A U, Cat Xiao
Cat Xiao is so adorable! Oh yeah I draw some cat Xiao!

It made me so happy to draw these I hope it makes you guys happy too!

I draw some more and you guys will see it while reading so read and scroll! ) -AUTHOR CHAN


You adopted a little cat ( Yes. Little. ) At first he didn't come any closer to you, he would even hiss at you or try to attack at you, you thought that maybe he hates you. But after a month later, he just won't leave you alone.

Even if you get up at night to get some water from the kitchen Xiao would follow you and then he would follow you back you to your bed only to cuddle up against you

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Even if you get up at night to get some water from the kitchen Xiao would follow you and then he would follow you back you to your bed only to cuddle up against you.

When ever you come home from work you would see Xiao sitting in front of the door, just waiting for you to come. And when you would have company over, friend, neighbour or even your friend's pet... Xiao would just hiss at them.

He would specially hiss at males the most for some reason. When ever you would sit down in your chair/couch with your phone or a book he would immediately jump on your lap.

One day, you came home late to a sleeping Xiao on your front door mat 'he must be waiting for me hehe..' you thought that as you picked up the figure of sleeping Xiao.

Luckily he is still a sleep cause you are not ready to hear a full on lecture. Some times it's cute cause you can't really understand what in the world is he tell about, all you can hear him say is that :

"meow meow meowww__"

That's all, but you know that he is lecturing, about you being later and how leave him alone for so__ long.

You walked into your bedroom with Xiao carefully tugged around your arms. You placed Xiao on the bed carefully so you  won't wake him up. As you placed Xiao on the bed he stretched a little by expending his little paws up.
( oh my Xiao is so adorable ahhhhhh- ) -AUTHOR CHAN

You went to washroom to take a shower. After you finish taking a shower you came out of the washroom with a towel around your body. You came out of the washroom only to see a... guy sitting on the floor in front of your washroom door.

This guy have teal hair same as your cat and have really pretty golden eyes he is really pretty good looking but most importantly he have a fvcking tail and cat ears!

This guy have teal hair same as your cat and have really pretty golden eyes he is really pretty good looking but most importantly he have a fvcking tail and cat ears!

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You were frozen in your place as the guy finally realizes that you are out of the washroom, he looks up at you with sleepy eyes.

"h-huh!? w-who what are you!" you yelled as you get back in the washroom and close the door shut.

"hmm wha-" the guy stopped mid sentence 'wait what the hell I trun into human self without even knowing... I guess it's the time I should tell her about this' the guy thought as he sighed got up.

He knocked on the door "Y/n... Please open the door and come out, I want to talk to you about something really important. I promise I won't do anything to harm you just let me explain." he said with a gentle voice.

You almost opened the door because how soft and gentle his voice but you didn't "how can I trust you!" you said, still not opening the door.

He can easily break the door open but he doesn't want to scare you "please just trust me this once I will never do anything to harm you... *sigh please Y/n..." he said with even more softer voice.

You opened the door by a little and peeked out to see his pretty face again

"okay now explain why are in my house! Who are you!  How do you know my name! And why do you have cat ears and tail! Can I touch them!- aham! I mean to say explain!" You said.

"look I know this is super weird but I am your cat, Xiao-" before he say more you cut him off.

"I don't believe you! Xiao is gone since I got out of the shower! Now tell me the truth!" you pointed your index finger at him while still peeking from behind the door.

"I am telling the truth!-" you cut him off 'again'. before he could finish his full sentence.

"You stole my Xiao, that's the truth, right!? My Xiao is really adorable so you kidnapped him and now you are going to kill me!"

( by the way he has cloths on okay you pervert and don't ask how its anime logic ) -AUTHOR CHAN

. . . It was silent for a while. "what?" Xiao said as he closed his eyes and folded his arms on his chest "you can ask me questions if you don't believe me- nya h-huh what the hell are you d-doing!?"

You were currently patting and touching his tail and ears "whoaaaa!! Your ears and tail are so soft!!" you stand up straight "Well Xiao you should just have transform into your cat self I would have believed you easily"

You were currently patting and touching his tail and ears "whoaaaa!! Your ears and tail are so soft!!" you stand up straight "Well Xiao you should just have transform into your cat self I would have believed you easily"

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( I'm not good at drawing chibi so I had a really hard time drawing this... ) -AUTHOR CHAN

"shut up.... " he pouted "I want to sleep... Can we sleep now it really late" he said as he hugged you, he rested his head on you shoulder and closed his eyes.

"okay sure but first can you true into your cat self, I just want see" you said.

-  After that ( I don't like it so far, cause there is no yandere scene (。ŏ_ŏ) )

"let's go to sleep but first let me change, get out of the room and wait for me in the guest room" you said.

"why? I have seen you change your clothes so many times and I will not be sleeping without you!..." he said.

"well it was different before I found out you were half human- h-huh!? What are you doing Xiao!?"

He pinned you down on the bed with your wrists pinned above your head "I have tried controlling myself, but it is not harder to control in my human self..." he said while breathing heavily.

You try to release yourself from his grip but you can't really do anything against him, he is surprisingly a lot more stronger than you are.


Well in the end you were fvcked by your own cat, poor you....


The. End. ?

( The end is really bad lol.

I am sorry but I can see cat Xiao and cat Zhongli having a little cat meeting haha ฅ'ω'ฅ

If you guys have any questions related to this one-shot, like how would Xiao react if Y/n did this or that,

Then please__ let me know, I don't know why but I really want to make a whole series on this neko Xiao.

And yes I haven't gotten well, I'm still sick but I have been felling much better and I don't feel like I am going to pass out any given moment, anymore \(≧▽≦)/ yay~

Word Count : 1200 plus

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this, byeeeee ) -AUTHOR CHAN

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