Zhongli ( Tea ) [ One-shot ]

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( Of course, again I am starting a new story after 12:00 am. The drawing above is my artwork, I still haven't completed it cause I don't like the way it turned out ) -AUTHOR CHAN


You are Zhongli's tea friend. You both have Tea together and you guys always have a nice chat, together. He will tell you stories and stuff and you will also tell him things.

You look up to him a lot. He is a very strong, handsome, a fine man with a very nice personality. Of course any girl will easily fall for him.
( a Fine A.SS man ) -AUTHOR CHAN

You don't even know how the two of you meet__ you saw him at a restaurant, he had forgotten to bring his wallet. He looked harmless so, you paid for both yours and his food and then went for a little stroll and became good friends. You both share a lot in common. Cute, right?

He really didn't understand why mortals like to hugs and touch, until you came. Whenever you will see him, you will go up to him and hug him and greet him.

His heart always beats loud or fast when ever you are around him. He also wonders that can you hear his heart beat when you hug him.

When he saw you again you accidentally bumping into him for the second time and his heat again telling him to hold you close to himself and hide you and protect you from this dangerous world.

When the second time he saw you, he already knew that you are meant to be HIS, and ONLY HIS, HIS WIFE, HIS BRIDE, HIS MATE. He told himself that you will be his and only his alone. SOON.

He has noticed that you and Childe, you both are getting too close to each other, lately. And__ knowing Childe he likes to flirt, a lot. Many girls are deying over him, Zhongli don't want you to fall in love with him too. He can't let this happen, never! He would never let this happen. You are meant to be his and his only, his alone.

Yes, you do have a secret crush on him, that only Childe knows. How does he know about your little crush on Zhongli?__ Well he may or may not seen and noticed you stare at Zhongli with heart in your eyes.

And__ since then he been teasing you a lot about this matter. From someone else perspective you guys look like lovers. If someone else that doesn't know you guys, see you both talking [ Childe teasing you about your crush ] they will think that you guys are dating.

A teasing boyfriend and a adorable girlfriend~ that's what people assume that you guys are together in a relationship.

And__ Zhongli don't want it, he can't let It happen, he won't let this happen, ever! You're not suppose to be Childe's! You are suppose to be Zhongli's! and his only, his alone, no one else can have you, expect for Zhongli...

SO__ you were on your way to meet with Zhongli and have a cup of tea with a nice chat, like always, since the very day you guys meet. On your way to the tea shop you saw Zhongli, on his way to the tea shop too.

"Hey! Mr Zhongli" you yelled to get him to notice you and__ it did work cause you saw him stop and turn around to look at your direction.

As Zhongli hears a familiar lovely voice call his name. He wonders how long does he have to wait to hear the same lovely voice scream his name in bed because of the pleasure~

( sorry -_-|| my mind is dirty, hehe... ) -AUTHOR CHAN

( anyway let's continue- )

As Zhongli hears a familiar lovely voice, he couldn't wait to see the cute little adorable face of his soon-to-be-wife. He turns around to see her approach him with a adorable smile on her face.

"Hello Mr Zhongli!" you greeted him with a small soft smile.

"Well, Hello to you too Miss Y/n" he greeted you too.

"oh Mr Zhongli... when will you stop calling me Miss, haha" you asked with a small giggle at the end.

"when you will stop calling me Mr__" he answered.

"Were you heading to the tea shop too? Would you mind me tagging along?" you asked him.

"yes, I was. and I would be honored if you will be by my side" he said.

You blushed at his respond, all you could do was blush and nod at his respond. And then both of you guys started walking again, but this time, you guys walked together to the tea shop.

When you both arrived in the tea shop, you saw a familiar ginger hair. Sitting at one of the round table with two open chairs next to him. Oh and it looks like he noticed you too...

"Hey! Sensei and girly. Come, I've been waiting for you guys" Childe yelled, getting Zhongli's attention too.

"ah great. This-"

'huh?' You could swear that you heard Zhongli curse at Childe, but he said it really low, like a whisper. But you still heard him well but it was not clear enough for you to that he actually curse at Childe.

You both went to Choose and sat down next to him on the open chairs. Zhongli notice that Childe was sitting little closer to you, only a little. So he moved his chair a little closer to you, too.

'oh so sensei like girly back~ I guess I am going to have a lot of fun seeing them and by.... teasing them. hehe~' Childe thought as he notice Zhongli move closer to you because of jealousy~

'oh this is going to be so much fun!' he thought as he thinks of a way to tease both of you.
( A. K. A. to annoy both of you ) -AUTHOR CHAN

He moved his chair a little closer to you, by seeing this Zhongli moved even closer to you.

You wasn't really paying any attention to your surroundings, you were busy looking at the menu, even though it is an tea shop but it still have different types of drinks and many delicious pastries.

There were new drinks and desserts added in the menu, so__ you didn't really noticed Childe and Zhongli.

You looked up from the menu to see Zhongli and Childe sitting right next to you. 'what the he11?' you thought. You stood up from your seat and sat opposite of them.


After you guys finished your drinks [ tea ] You guys enjoyed the tea and chat, well expect for Zhongli he didn't really enjoyed because.... A certain ginger was keep getting in your and Zhongli's nice talk.

After you guys walked out of the shop ( it's more like a cafe at this rate ) -AUTHOR CHAN

Zhongli walks out of the cafe after you and Childe only to see Childe's arm was on your shoulder and his face few inches away from yours and Zhongli notice him whimpering something in your ear which made you blush red.

And Zhongli doesn't really like what he is seeing right now. I guess he should do it today, sooner the better~, right?... What did Childe say that made you blush like that...

"oh girly~ look at you blush complete red, just because I mansion your crush, Zhongli~" he whispered in your ear with a teasing tone.

If you are wondering what Childe whispered and mansion about your crush that made you blush red, is that__ 'what are you guys going to do after when you guys get to together~'

Later, that day Zhongli went to visit an old friend...

The. End. ?

( Should I make a part two?

Word Count : 1300+ ) -AUTHOR CHAN

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