Albedo ( Game ) [ One-shot ]

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"If I could, I would marry you!" you said it while staring at your screen, talking to your hasdando. Albedo.

"ahhh I wish I was in there with you... You are so awesome!" you said while admiring him.

"oh what time is it?... wow it's bed time already, I should go to sleep... good night Albedo!" you turn off your device and got up to go to sleep.

You laid on your bed ready to go to sleep "I wish I was in dragonspine with Albedo as my boyfriend or husband!!" you wished while you kinda whisper-yelled that and then pull the blanket over your head and fell asleep....

He being hearing an lovely voice of a female for a while now. Some times when he is a sleep he saw the girl that voice he being hearing.

He always hear her complimenting him or... talking about how she wants to marry him. At first he was really confused of how can he hear and see her and how does she know about him, well he is very confused.

But, the only thing he knows is that he love her now he wants to know about her, he wants to meet her in person, he wants to know everything about her.

TODAY AT NIGHT, he was ready to go to sleep when he hears her voice again saying,"if I could, I would marry you!" she said.

He smiled, thinking of her silly and cute "ahhh I wish I was there with you... You are so awesome!" she said sounding sad at first but then back to her cheerful at the end, complimenting him.

Albedo always hears her voice at any time of the day. When he is asleep, he can even see her, some times she is sleeping or some times she is looking at him, saying stuff like "you are so awesome! Albedo" or "ohohoho! look at that damage! hahaha" or "Klee is so cute!!" the one he hates the most it that when she calls any other boys cool, awesome, handsome, hot or attractive.

It makes his blood boil. Thinking about you liking any other male- ...or female expect him. It's not his fault that he is so in love with her, it's her's fault for coming into his life like this, so mysterious and making him fall madly in love with her. Now he won't leave her, he Can't, he is going to make her his. And. He. Will.

He snapped out of his train of thoughts when he heard her talk again.

"oh? What time is it?__ hmm... wow it's already bed time, I should go to sleep... good night Albedo!" she said.

"good night, my love~" he replied as he can't wait to see her beautiful face again, in his sleep. He went to sleep, too.

He was laying right next to her, in her bed. She couldn't see him. She is awake... "I wish I was in dragonspine with Albedo as my boyfriend or husband!!" she wished while she kinda whisper-yelled and then pull the blanket over her head.

'haha... I wish that, too.'

He waited until she fell asleep and then pulled the blanket down to her neck so he can stare at her peaceful sleeping face.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and then he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


You woke up as you were about to get up, you felt someone's arms around your waist and their head buryed in your chest. You blushed.

Then you saw who the person is, your whole face became more redder then it already was, with blush. "hmm... oh? You are already awake... good morning.." he said as he smile sheepishly.

"m-morning!" you replied to him, still confused about all this, as you thought 'ahhh- his morning voice is so hot-'

' wait.... is this a dream.. am I dreaming. It feels too real to be a dream. How...? how did... I get in side the game? did my wish true! I'm so confused but__ I'm not complaining about it though!' you continued to think as you smiled to yourself.

'....wait! did I got hit by Truck-kun!?'

"I really don't want to get up, I just want to lay by your side... *sigh but I should go make breakfast for us, you must be hungry" he said as he got up from the bed.

As he got up from the bed. He stretched a little then he walked to your side and patted your head with a loving smile on his lips, as you 'still' looked confused at him.

"you should get up too and should get fresh till I go use the down stairs bathroom and then I will make breakfast for us. Kay? Y/n" he said.

'how does he knew my name? and this is all real but how? how did I got here? how...?' you thought. How does he know your name, you didn't tell him.. how? You were so confused but you snapped out of it once he turned around to leave the room.

"w-wait!" you almost yelled.

"hmm..? Is something the matter.. Love" he said, making your heart skip a beat.

'L-love!? ahhh-'
"aham!.. A-Albedo, how do you know me? how did I get here? and... why did you call me... Love?" you asked.

"whoa we just woke up and you are asking me this many weird questions, I think you should get fresh first then we will talk over breakfast" he said.

"okay... but can you tell me where is the bathroom..."


After you got fresh, you came down stairs to see breakfast ready "oh prefect timing, I was just about to call you, come sit" he said as he gave you a smile and pulled a chair for you.

You both sit down and started eating, you looked up form your food to look at Albedo, only to see him already looking at you. He was resting his face on the palm of his hands. As he was staring at you, with loving eyes.

You almost choked on your food seeing him stare at you like that. You started coughing, he quickly gave you a glass of water "a-are you okay! Was the food bad o-or-"

You quickly take the glass of water that he offered you and drank it and cut him off "No-no! I'm okay, and the food is amazing!" you answered him.

"it's just that you were staring at me lik- never mind, you said you will answer my questions" you continued.

"we being married almost for one year now and yesterday when we were traveling back to our home. We encountered some Treasure Hoarders while I was busy fighting them, one of the Treasure Hoarder with a hammer managed to hit you that's why you have bandage on your forehead"

You touched the bandage that was rapped around your forehead that you noticed while getting fresh. But, one thing that bothered you was that you don't have an engagement ring on and neither do him.

"Albedo I'm sorry, I don't mean to call you a liar or something but I think you're not telling me the truth."

"what do you mean, love? I am telling you the truth... Why.. why! Why!! are you not believing me!" he talked as he got up and slammed his hands on the table.

"A-Albedo why are suddenly so mad at me, you're scaring me!" you said as you also got up from your chair and started backing away from him, scared.

"I'm sorry, love.. for that outburst that was really out of character for me to do..." he said as he came near you.

You backed away until your back was pressed against the wall "Albedo please stop! you are scaring me!"

"I have to do this love, for... us..." he said as you felt pain at the side of your head and everything went black. Albedo carried you back up stairs in his room.





"I guess I will have to try it all again tomorrow...."

The. End. ?

( I should have put a cringe warning⚠ at the start of this story well I think this story should called self-aware.

Oh. My. Lord. I can't believe that this book 100+ readers.

Word Count : 1400 plus

Anyway I hope you like it byeeeee )

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