Ayato ll Husband

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Female Reader x Ayato, Married Couple Morden A U

This is really short.

Btw it's my birthday today & also of two of my friends.

You are married to a man whether it is a love marriage or arranged, you love him, alot. Well how can you not?

He is nice to you, he treats you well, he is handsome, very very attractive and most importantly he has money and he loves you alot.

What else would you possibly need more from him? but even if you need he would gladly give it to you whatever you need, all he asks for in return is you to love him, and only him.

How can anyone not like him? anyone would dream of having such a husband like him.

You smiled to yourself thinking that how did you get so lucky? that's when you heard the front door open. Quickly while happily you rushed towards the door "I am home" Ayato sang out "hi honey" he said as he saw you rushing towards him with a wide smile on your face.

"Welcome home" you welcomed him with open arms, Ayato truned into his childish self as he hugged you and started nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent, he smiled. You pulled away while he whined a little not wanting to let go of you. You took the bag he was holding as you both started walking inside while he refused to let of you.

"So how was your day?" he asked, walking next to you while still side hugging you, making you laugh.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that hmm?" you asked him as you did told him about how your whole day went while he listened carefully to it responding here and there.

"Did anyone annoyed you?" kinda straight forward, Ayato asked.

Considering today's an uncomfortable comment from a creepy guy which you have no idea of who he was and he even followed you and your group of friends. You didn't know what to say, should you tell him about it? what if he again starts that you should just stay at home and not leave stuff? You should not make him worried about you, right?

He has so much stuff to deal with already with work and all that stuff, you shouldn't add more stress on it.

You gave reassuring smile,"umm nope, everything was just fine. anyways__"


"Dude seriously? why can't I meet my own husband? you are the one who said he is not attending any meetings right now so why can't I" you asked the man who is stopping you from going to your husband's office.

"I know Mrs Kamisato b-but" the man tried coming up with an excuse but he miserably failed to come up with something that's when someone called him.

"Hey { Random Name }, Sir Ayato asked about Mrs Kamis-" seems like the other person has not noticed you before while he started talking but the blood from his face suddenly drains as he locks eyes with you.

Both of the male in front of you remained silent with a pale face not knowing what say or do now.

"Umm excuse me" you said as you walked away from them to the Ayato's office.

They try calling out to you but you had already walked off.

You knocked on the office door and then opened it after only to have the same blood drained from your face, pale expression as those two males, looking at the scene in front of you.

"Who." Ayato said in a cold tone, giving you shivers, he had not noticed you standing at the door frame.

He was too focused on the guy who was forced to kneel down in front of him by two men while Ayato pointed a gun to his forehead.

"Ayato-" You gasped finnally snapping out of the shock but still not having the strength to move, you stood there with your hands covering your mouth.

Finnally gaining his attention, his head snapped to your direction with widen eyes as he tossed the gun to the man next to him, acting as if he has not been holding it as he slowly walked towards you.

"Y/n darling- it's not what it looks like, please calm down" he said with worried written all over his face. He tried coming close to you but you pushed him away.

You looked back at the man who is still on the ground, many questions arose from your head as you looked at him; who is this guy? why is he so severely injured? why was your husband holding such a dangerous thing in his hand? is he scared that you would find out his secret? didn't  your husband had a safe work which did not involve any of this wild things?

Then it clicked, you know this man he is the one who was following you that other day, it was hard to see his covered face that day but you had managed to see it 'but how does Ayato knows him? what issues do they have with each out?' you signed.

He motioned others to leave the room.

You looked Ayato dead in the eyes as yours carried no emotions what so ever.

Both standing alone, as you held no emotions on your face while Ayato looked desperate as if he just wants to explain everything and all of this is just one big misunderstanding.

He was panicking while on the other hand you were asking millions of questions inside your mind.

"Explain" in all you let out.

He took the opportunity and started but you knew he wasn't really telling the truth, of course he is really good at hinding and faking but you are his loving wife and he has rarely ever lied too.

You cut him off,"was it for me?.." you cringed at the line as you said it which was on your mind.

His eyes widen as he looked down for a bit but then he looked back at you, with a nervous face he slowly walked towards you with his arms extanted a little as if he was asking that he could hug you.

Don't get it wrong, Ayato would not let such kinda expressions show on his face but when you out of all people, pushed him away, in his office a few minutes ago. He felt as if you are leaving.

He stopped in front of you slowly with a bit of hesitation, he wrapped his arms around you, still afraid that you would push him away.

If you like touch :
You don't mind being hugged, well you like it, it makes you feel calm and loved but his hugs was always your favourite.

If you don't :
You do not like being hugged or touched by people a lot but his hugs are exception, it made you feel warm and loved and stuff.

"Yes." he said on your shoulder.

You don't know why you don't feel anything..? you wrapped your arms around him.

"Thank you.." you thanked in a sweet whisper with a smile on your lips.

You pulled away from him, he had a confused expression, kissing him unexpectedly.

"So you don't mind I will be right back after taking care of him" he "joked"

The. End. ?

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Word Count : 1000 plus

I hope you guys liked it, byeeeeeeee ) -AUTHOR CHAN

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