Daniel Ricciardo [I can't do this]

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A/N This is something different than I usually write and I am not sure if I like the outcome.

TAGLIST:  aantartidaa meezgold ynstarkbarnes Sissi_Styles theclumsysoul joeyxfriends godblesstheoceanel Charis260 Beatrichxoxo liverpools AnaOliveira003 smilethankstothem BabyVettel archivebooks tomstoryholland Kathy-4 smallmonsterr

WORDS: 1065

SYNOPSIS: Daniel was involved in a heavy crash and you are his physio in his recovery time. He is exhausted not only physically but also mentally and is sure he isn't going to make it back into a race care. You help Daniel trough this time. 

Squeaking tyres, the car which is sliding over the track. A scream. Was it his own or did he just imagine how everyone would react seeing this crash? The loud crunch when his car hits the barrier and then all around him is black.

This is everything he can remember. His physio late told him that the crash wasn't his fault or the fault of any of the other drivers. The suspension of his car broke, no one knows why, and his car was sent spinning. Luckily hitting no one else on its way to the barrier where it splattered into little pieces. The doctor told him he was lucky during the accident. He does not feel lucky at all, there is just emptiness inside of him.

The leg broken, as well as his collarbone, one of his arms and some rips on the side where the impact happened. Not his definition of happiness. Of course, the accident could have ended different. Could potentially killed him, but he could also step out of the car unharmed. Just a little shaken and not obligated to be casted in. The luck he had doesn't bring him back into his car. As a racing driver he needs all of his strength, but how is he supposed to be strong if he has broken several bones?

Someone of his team already visited him, but the encouraging words just breezed by and only the fact that they will not fire him is a little bright point at the dark sky. Of course, it will be a long path until he will be ready to race again but Daniel is sure he will be able to do this.

The people in the hospital want him to talk with a psychologic to speak about what happened, but he doesn't need someone who tells him that he is unstable or something like this. There is only one thing he wants and that is getting rid of the cast and start training again. This is the goal he tells his physio, a lovely woman, who asks for his spur to get back on his feet. He is still working with Michael, but he wants to give his friend some rest, plus he is not that experienced with injuries like his.

Daniel likes the woman with the cheeky short hair. Always laughing, just like he was before the accident and treating him normal. Not like everyone else who started to fuss over him what makes him even more comfortable to attend his therapy sessions with her.

The weeks went by and one cast after the other disappears. His rips are getting better, and the doctors decide it is time for his first sport session after the accident. Almost euphoric Daniel is entering the gym room, a safe environment for his workout, lips curled upwards while he feels more than ready for this.

The warm up on the treadmill is okay, well his stamina of course is nowhere near the one from a few weeks ago, but he is able to jog without feeling the nasty pull on the places where his bones where broken. But after some exercises with his physio, he realises that the way back on the track will be way harder than he though it would be.

His body is hurting, breathing is unusually difficult and little black dots dance in front of his eyes. Daniel does not even think about giving up and continues with the exercise while she already eyes him with a critic glance. Only one more round. Daniel thinks, clenches his teeth together and wants to start with the last round when she interrupts him.

"Sit down! That doesn't make sense like this Daniel. You need to listen to your body and take a break from time to time." She says and Daniel knows that he better listens to her words, sinking down on a chair when the exhaustion takes over his body.

Frustrated he looks at his feet and looses all of his will to finish this rehabilitation when a bottle appears in his vision. With a sight he takes it but keeps it silent. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the day and in the next days he rarely speaks up.

If he was asked, he would only sit in his apartment and would look at one of the walls. But he does not want to disappoint his new friend, so he drags himself out of the house every day. Everyone sees that he is not feeling well but no one is brave enough to speak up, well until his physio bursts and lectures him.

After this the driver has sunken down completely exhausted and started to brabble some words. She sat down beside him, wraps an arm comfortingly around his shoulders and listens to him.

"Everything hurts."

"I can't sleep anymore and have nightmares."

"Nothing works like I want it to or how it worked before the accident.

"I can't do this anymore." Are his last words and his shoulders sink. For a moment there is silence until she speaks up.

"You can't or you don't want to anymore?"

A sarcastic snort leaves Daniels lips. "What is the difference?" His thin but oh so bitter voice asks.

"If you can't anymore search for help, someone who is willing to support you and help you up if you are down. But when you don't want to anymore...Well, then I can leave, and we stop with this."

Scared Daniels head shoots up. He doesn't want this to end. There is a different goal he picked during his rehabilitation or more a second one. Of course, he wants to return to the track, but he doesn't want to lose his new friend.

"So?" She asks him curiously, but when there is no answer, she sights. "What a pity." She mumbles and wants to leave but Daniel finally comes back to life.

"Can you help me?" He whispers and she almost thinks she didn't hear him right, but her ads an almost desperate "Please."

Now she can't supress a smile anymore, turns around and claps into her hands. "Let's start then."

Daniel can't hold back the grin either. In the next weeks they will work on his comeback and who knows, maybe she will be official and not only as a physio the woman on his side?

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