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Since that shocking event I kept thinking myself maybe I lacked somewhere, or maybe I ain't giving him enough. So I decided myself to stick to him by taking him out on dates and having more sex, spoiling him with the most expensive gifts and cuddling after showers. I followed the same routine of doing the above.


Tay has been spending more time with me making me kinda frustrated for not spending time with tem. Urgh!!!! His being extra clingy and super annoying. His sex routine has also changed. Where did the guy who wanted Vanilla sex go and now Is asking bdsm and a bondage ?. It kinda feels random. But as if who cares. I tried giving him excuses since I have been desperate to meet tem but Tay isn't budging making me feel really annoyed.

3 days later........


Time again gave me an excuse about him having some important work at kinn's place. Bastard. His desperate eyes couldn't have me in denial. I hate myself for allowing him when all I know is that he will end up having sex with tem. It hurts but it's okay as long as he is happy. I left to my calming place again.


Fortunately today I had a chance to meet tem. As soon as tay left
I dashed over at tem's place. Kissing him roughly and pinning him to the wall. Oh those moans better than Tay. Tem is just like a guy perfect for me to ruin. The face he makes when I slam myself into him and his cute begs to make him cum. Ethereal.

Time : Does this feel good when I slam here?
Tem: ohhh y-yes s-shi-it ha-ard-er

That was it making me cum. We currently laid in bed legs tangled up eachother but tem looked like he wanted to say something.

Time : go ahead tem tell me what's wrong?
Tem: I wanna go to the mall for shopping. Can you come with me ?
Time: sure how about this Saturday?
Tem: sure I'll wait for you at the gateway.

I kissed him and he just laid over my chest. The only thing in my brain that kept playing was find an excuse to get away from Tay.

                   || End ||

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