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The morning arose and I woke up to an empty bed.I panicked. I quickly ran down to check on Tay and i breathed a sigh of relief. He was sitting on the couch staring blankly at the tv which had sad movie playing on.

TIME : Good morning babe
TAY: ...........
TIME : oh I see still angry?
TAY: .............
TIME : ouh

I couldn't understand what was wrong I needed to find that's when I remembered that I had to ask Kinn what exactly happened to him. I kissed his forehead which he wiped making me feel hurt. It's okay I said to myself. I just smiled sadly and walked over to my room calling Kinn. His number wasn't available and was reaching the voicemail, so I sent him a text message mentioning him to meet me urgently due to Tay.


I made new friends today. Kinn's bodyguards are really amazing. They taught me so many tactics and shooting styles. I really wanted to know who was I fighting against.

??: Hey gin, ain't you coming to have dinner?
GIN : ouh pete sure
PETE: com'on quickly before the others finish the food and leave us the leftovers.

I really like this place. It senses me a family comfort. But there is one guy who I definitely get scared of P' Big. I don't know why but his nagging towards me always scares me. But I should have an advantage though, he must be nagging me over good. To make me a better fighter.


I read Time's text. I had thoughts running across my mind. If I tell him will he change and stop cheating or will he take advantage of the situation?. As time's friend I know time very well. Let's take this risk and tell him what actually happened. I sent him a message back saying that I agreed to meet.


Kinn looks so stressed these days I don't know why. I was searching for him at the main house and there he is staring at the view from the balcony. I slid my hands around his waist back hugging him.

PORSCHE:  what's wrong
KINN: remember Tay?
PORSCHE: yes your friend.
KINN: well he was raped and his boyfriend is cheating over your best friend Tem.
PORSCHE: no way tem would do that.
KINN: Porsche the thing is tem doesn't even know that Tay and time are in a relationship.

I was angry when I first heard it. I wanted to break my friendship with tem but when kinn said it was time's fault I did not know what to say.


I was waiting impatiently for Kinn to arrive. I needed answers to my questions. I saw Kinn arrive I waved at him and he walked towards my seat

KINN: what's wrong?
TIME: Is Tay okay? He wasn't in the right state of mind last night
KINN: Elaborate
TIME: He broke down few days ago at night and then recently he wouldn't speak to me. He hasn't been eating nor sleeping well.
KINN: would you believe if I tell you the fact that he was raped? Or would you take advantage of him?
TIME: As far as I know the last interaction between him and me was he asking me what would I do if someone raped my close one's. Wait! Does he mean he was directing it to himself?
KINN: Guess God finally blessed you with some senses.

I remained silent. I did not know how to react to the situation. Why does this make me sound like I'm the bad one here ?.

Later that evening........


Porsche wanted to talk to me regarding p'time. It's weird how the situation is going. He invited me to Kinn's mansion and guided me to his room.

TEM: what you wanted to talk about Porsche?
PORSCHE: Tem listen to me carefully. Don't say anything untill I'm done speaking
TEM: okay sure go on
PORSCHE: I don't exactly know your relationship with time but I need you to stay away from him. He has a boyfriend, if you know it. Tay and him have been in a relationship for a long time and things between them needs to be settled. If he is cheating on Tay with you I don't want Tay getting hurt because he's hurt enough. He had been raped and beaten. I'm saying this because I'm your friend and I don't want you getting hurt or dragged into unrealistic matters.

                  || End ||

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