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I heard from Pete that everyone were at time's and my mansion. I no longer want to stay there. I had decided to live at my own mansion which my dad gifted me when I turned 21. I just landed and all I have to hear is time's name.  


The doctor just left. He told me that time can't let go of something dear to him, which reminds me only of Tay cause he kept asking me about him. He also mentioned about his eating habits, overworking and alcohol addiction. He told me this all needed to stop or time will not last long. He told me to give him healthy foods and keep alcohol far from him and lessen his overworking.


Tay just returned from the States and I informed him that everyone were at time's mansion. Poor guy. He looked so done when I took Time's name. Does he know what actually happened when he flew to the States?. Poor time had a difficult time. I hope that things between them settle quickly.


I sat beside Kinn.

PORSCHE: I heard the doctor speak. What do we do? Should we tell Tay about this ? It's bothering me to see him in this state.
KINN: I'm doubting Tay would want to listen. He did not even ask about time all these years.
PORSCHE: could we try? Atleast to convince him? To listen?
KINN: should be possible.
The only thought remained wandering my mind was how will Tay react if he saw Time like this. Miserably broken.


I felt a pain in my head. Not new. It keeps happening to me. Drinking myself like a fish. All I can think of is how to fix this mess I created. If Tay comes back. I promise to myself never to leave him. Ask and try my whole being to make it up to him. I just closed my eyes. I need to start by preparing my ticket to the States.

KINN: you arose? I thought you would keep sleeping everytime me or Porsche would visit.
TIME: Kinn I need a favour. Book my ticket to the States. Im going to win Tay's heart back. I don't care if my condition is okay or not but I need you to do this.
KINN: firstly shut up and listen to me. Pete informed me that Tay returned.
TIME: where is he staying I'm going to go there. Com'on Kinn don't waste my time tell me quickly.
KINN: calm the fuck down. You're not going anywhere. Your sitting here leaving your alcohol and work. And I'm handling this. It's getting out of hand. You're not saying a word after this. I decided to speak to Tay about your health.
TIME: no no no Kinn Tay should not know nothing of this. He will get more angered if he heard me being an alcoholic.
KINN : okay then to put it in simple words you need to stop drinking.
TIME: I will stop once I get Tay back. I'm willing to change and become someone who once Tay looked up for.


I just looked at him. He's eyes begging to me to tell him. If he is willing to change I needed to help him. Tay is back and so is my new mission.
Mission of getting my friends back together.


Do you think Kinn will succeed or fail? What do you think will be Tay's reaction if he heard about time's condition.

                   || End ||
Love in the air, war of y , unforgotten night and  eclipse are the latest ones which I have been watching. How about y'all?????

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