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I was beyond shocked to meet my eyes to that person. Tawan. Kinn's deceased ex. He had a smirk on his face. His demeanor screamed terror. Scared from the inside I tried to hide my fear.

TAY: what do you want ?
TAWAN: aha nice meeting you again Tay. It has been a long time
TAY: don't beat the bush. What do you want?
TAWAN : how about we do something and then I tell you what exactly I want ?

I said nothing I only glared at him. He slowly made his way to me and split my legs making me panic. He came closer but I streched my foot and kicked him at his chest. He fell with a groan. It was my turn to smirk now. But my smirk was wiped with a harsh, hard resonating slap. I felt the taste of blood into my mouth.

TAWAN : I was supposed to go east but now that you're acting up like a brat you need to be put in place

He did not hesitate and ripped my shirt off. Fuck. I knew exactly what is going to happen next.


Tem looks so fucking adorable. We went shopping I got him a lot of stuff. He insisted in paying bit I did not want him to spend his money. After all he was a cutie. We even had a bathroom session where he sucked me off. Ah that moment. I felt my pants tighten at the thought of it . I looked over to tem who is now walking towards my car. Car sex? How does that sound?. As soon as we reached the car I asked him to sit in the backseat. Once he looked settled I slammed my lips against his. I planted kisses all over his neck sucking his jaw leaving hickeys. His whimpering got me alive. I pinned his waist to the seat while his hands made his way to my hair. I pulled back and smiled at the artwork I created. His face looked messed and wrecked. I hadn't realised I was losing feelings for Tay and now gaining them for tem.



I don't know how many times did I cum. My whole heart trembled by the his touch. He was so rough. He meant it when he said he said he'd train me. Unknowing tears dropped down my eyes. I wasn't enjoying this. All I wanted to do is go home and hug time. Be in time's arms. I hadn't realised he had been recording me which was more worse. I know time is cheating on me but he wouldn't be so cruel to have a bastard rape me. I feel so dirty that my whole being wanted to bury myself alive. Tawan, once he was done with me, leaving me all uncleaned just put his shirt and pants back on and acted as if I did not exist. My lower abdomen was numb I felt like I couldn't feel it at all. I slowly tried and sat up now well aware that I was raped by someone who I knew. I was so helpless that the only thing that I did was cry.

                   || End ||

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