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He begged me again to let him spend sometime. He even told me another excuse. When I declined completely he was so annoyed. He even raised his hand to slap me. He kept saying I was being rude and kept steal his freedom. I sighed as my heart pinched me when I finally allowed him. Afterall it was just two businesses over one. His dad only wanted to merge my dad's buisness so that's the reason he sent time to me as an act of love. At first it was real but now I just feel it's coming to reality of the fake love.


Tay really got on my nerves today. All I asked him was to go out. Tem must be really waiting for me. I even raised my hand to slap him the only thing that controlled me was his face. Like damn human leave me alone. I even shouted at him for being rude. I saw him sigh and allow me. Happily I hurried since I did not want to keep tem waiting.

AT THE MALL........


P'time is a very sweet person. He is often seen with P'Tay who he claims to be his friend. But the way P'Tay looks at him says another story. I remember asking him if he could come out with me to the mall which I guess he won't. I pouted but my pout turned into a bright smile when I saw p'time come to me and hug me.


My mind wasn't being able to focus on my work. Guess I need to take a break. I wore my casuals and asked my driver to take me to my calming place. When I reached there I saw a black tined car not to mention two guys in black suit stood up there. Was I in danger?. I tried dialling time's number but it reached the voice mail. Before I could call kinn my phone was suddenly pulled off and my nose was covered with a cloth making me fall unconscious.


Time was happy spending his moments with tem while tay was getting kidnapped. Time even muted his phone so that he could give his full attention to tem. He wouldn't even care to check over Tay.


I woke to a bedroom. My head still hurt from the dizziness. I tried to sit up but a strong rope caught me down to the bed. I struggled a lot. A minutes of struggling it did not help I lost my energy. I tried to locate my surroundings. It was just a simple room with a large mirror above the headboard. A closet and a small dresser stood in the corner of the room. It looked like a hotel room. But. Who kidnapped me and why?. Is it because I was kinn's friend? That they were using me as a medium to get to kinn? Too engrossed in my thoughts I nearly flinched when I saw that person enter.

                || End ||

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