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I needed to save Tay. I checked out everything needed. A pocket gun. yes. A pocket knife. Yes. A pistol. Yes. I drove over to the place when I was ready. Don't worry Tay I'm coming for you.

11.30 pm......

I reached the place mentioned to me and the first thing I know is Tawan getting in sight. Where is Tay I boomed to him but he just smirked. Before I could launch at him something hard hit my head almost for a minute making my vision blur and the last thing I knew was passing out.


I knew Tawan was planning something. The fact that arm already told me that Tay's phone had a voice recording chip made me change my whole plan from the next day to the upcoming night. I alerted all of my bodyguards to be ready for tonight. Oh Tawan you're so dead when we meet. Arm already had his location traced but he told me that someone was with him.

KINN: track the second owner's information and send it to me. Quick.
ARM: yes sir

Minutes later ....
He came to me with the owner's details and it shocked me to know that the guy was time. No way if this happens... If they are together I won't hesitate to destroy both of them. I took my crew and left for the location.


Once again I was alone with Tankhun in the mansion. I was anxious. Anxiety raised through my whole body and I began panicking. I had heard about kinn's plan. I couldn't even call him which will make tawan know. Tankhun tried to calm me down but it failed miserably.


Tawan Was a bastard. He fooled me out for Tay. He also knows why was I cheating as a result he asked me to hand over my shares to him. When I denied he showed me something that made me angry. He raping Tay. I tried to free myself but a punch on my face stopped me. Before he could even throw another punch Kinn and his bodyguards entered the place.


I was waiting for the right time and finally it was time for me. I headlocked one tawan's man killing him on the spot. Pete and Porsche took care of everything around the men while I went to save Time. I saw Tawan throw a punch at time before he could throw another one I just shot his hand.

KINN : you Fucking bastard thought I was easy to deal with?.
TAWAN: Kinn my love you came ? I knew you'd come for me.
KINN: shut it I'm not here for bullshit. Coming to the point why are you doing all of this?
TAWAN: didn't Tay tell you?
KINN: you raped him you moron.
TAWAN: and?
KINN: your asking me and?

This time I was the one who threw a punch at Tawan. I kept going to a point where Porsche pulled me back telling me I was going to kill him.

??: Tawan?
TAWAN: gi-gin?
GIN: oh so you're that asshole who did stuff to Tay and left him at the alley? You're the same haven't changed.
TAWAN: tch you still have that sour mouth.

Gin was also a victim of Tawan that was new to me. Pete had already released Time, the anger was evident on his face, he did not hesitate to pull out his pocket knife and stab tawan's leg digging the knife and then dragging it alongside his leg almost cutting it open. All of my bodyguards including Gin stood there and watched Tawan's misery. Time. Once angered doesn't leave the person. If he means it. He means it. He pulled out his pistol and shot Tawan in the head. That's finally the end of Tawan's story. Now this bitch Time has a lot to explain to me and Tay.

                   || End ||

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