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I don't know what to do anymore. Ever since I saw tem and time together I lost hope over our relationship. Maybe if I disappeared from this world it would help? But what would Papa think ? How would Kinn react ? Will time get married to tem once I leave ? I started hating over every small little thing. Most of all I started hating myself more day by day.

The next day...........

I hadn't retuned home the previous night. I needed some time to think over what I just heard. Why did he not tell me he was raped ? Why did he remain silent ? Not being able to control myself I just moved off to meet Tay. He should have atleast told me. Wasn't I considered as his close one ? What is wrong with him!.

Minutes later.......

I reached the mansion to see him walking towards the stairway. I dashed over to him grabbing his wrist. He let out a hiss. He tried to struggle at first but eventually gave up when I stayed firm on the grip. I reached my room pushing on the bed pinning him down.

TIME: what is wrong with you ?
TIME: don't get on my nerves. I'm asking you nicely so please answer me.
TAY: .........
TIME: okay do it your way. Keep hiding stuffs from me. You got raped and you did not even consider telling me that you did not even think of telling me who raped you. Fine If that's what you want let me do it my way. By hook or crook I'm going to make you confess my way.

I kissed his neck sucking it a bit harder. He's body shook. I pulled away and his face paled out. He started whimpering asking me to stop. He kept repeating a "please don't hurt me". Guess I took it too far. I hugged him trying my whole best to comfort him. What is happening to me? Why can't I bare to see this sight. My heart always twists when he is in this stage.


I'm angry. Not at p'time but at myself. How could I be the one to ruin a perfect relationship. It was so overwhelming. As much as it hurts to get betrayed it's better to let it go. I decided for the final of p'time comes to me this time I'm breaking up with him. Now I get the main reason of why he doesn't come to meet me all the time nor invites me over to his mansion. How stupid can I go when he literally lives with P'Tay?.


I decided to stay with Kinn for some days I needed a break from time. I wasn't sure if I would be as strong as I was to endure this lonliness in my heart. Time had been gone out since he couldn't control his anger good for me I silently packed my suitcase and walked out of the house. I asked one of the driver to drive me to Kinn's mansion. I also warned them not to tell time anything about me.

                || End ||

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