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  I just wanted a normal teenaged life, why couldn't I have that? What did I do to deserve this torture? You spoke to yourself while looking up at the ceiling you've grown sick of seeing. You were being kept prisoner in your own home by monstrous animatronics. One day you're enjoying your life, breathing in the breath of the woods that surrounded your town. Going out with friends, and hanging with your family. And the next, a giant nightmarish black bear comes in and claims your soul with his friends in tow, your home is now inhabited by these.. creatures.

  You were never given an explanation as to why they're there or what they were. But what you did learn over the past few months of this nightmare was they just decided to claim a poor unfortunate soul to play with until they got bored. And they were god like creatures. Something that could create and destroy realities, make dimensions collide. And destroy your soul from the universe. You've grown to 'accept' this new change.

  Nightmare, the one who now owns your soul, has given you some insight on this predicament you found yourself to be in. He explained to you how they did indeed just randomly choose you to host them and claim, but you would also serve a greater purpose. That purpose? He didn't explain to you what that would be, you could only hope it didn't involve you being deleted from this reality of ours. For now until that purpose is revealed, you'll continue to be passed between bot to bot like a child's play toy. A constant loop of pain, and a sweet kiss of bliss.

What are we to do?

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now