Chapter 4

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It was a cloudy rainy day, the sky leaking dark diamonds from its heavy clouds, the Simone's of water coating all life under it in a dark shimmer. You loved rainy days like these, for some reason these days always came out to be productive. You were currently sitting in front of the window that shown you the outside world.

You squeak upon feeling a hand on your shoulder, looking up to the large golden bear, his gaze on the window as well,"The rain is beautiful no?" He hummed out softly, his usually rough voice soft, his ruby orbs shifting down to yours. You slowly nodded in agreement, looking back to the window,"It's always beautiful when it rains" you hummed out in return, perking when the bear sat down next to you, his ears drooping down,"Back in our dimension it would rain almost every other day, I hated it, but now I've grown to miss it" he murmured, his gaze remaining on the window, a slight frown somehow appearing on his face. Your own lips curved down into a frown, leaning over to rest your head on his arm, this causing the bear to gaze down at you, shifting back to look at the window. Seemingly accepting your soft gesture. His white milky pupils dilating as of to take the scene in.

A few minutes passed of the two of you sitting in silence. Fredbear exchanging some information about their old home every now and again, mostly just talking about how the weather would always change and never was the same twice, or just talking about how their old life was. You found it to be quite interesting, they never considered themselves friends in the past but after the events that have pushed them to your dimension, they seemed to bond together,"We're all a piece of a puzzle, we just don't know what the last middle piece that holds us all together is" the bear murmured out, his ears drooping as he sighed. You were never good at comforting people, so you didn't know what to do when the bear slightly leaned into your smaller frame. Meekly wrapping your arms around him, nuzzling your head against his metallic neck, the bear relaxing in your hold.

You liked these kind of moments, when everything was peaceful. Their was no terror, not torture. But everything good must end at one point or another. Though the small conversation or today just made you question what he meant by 'the piece that holds us all together'. You could only ponder on that thought.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now