Chapter 17

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It was dark and gloomy within this reality you were dragged into by somewhat grumpy Nightmare, whom was once again, as he usually was; looking for another fragment. How fun. as you were reluctantly dragged along the dark biome of earth and stone, a manor of some type laid upon a large hill. Surrounded by celestial mountain ranges and ancient trees. The manor was dark, and seemed to be abandoned, if you didn't know better, maybe even haunted. Though of course nothing could be as bad as home.


As the manor was drawn in closer and closer with each passing second, soon the pair stood at the large doorway. The entry way into the massive building of stone that was covered in vines and overgrown ivy. It was quite a wonder how something with such magnificence could have became a place of disarray.. a forgotten memory. A few silent notes lingered in the air, as if to enhance the already disheartening atmosphere the once grand manor now held. That was until Nightmare spoke up,"Now, I would like for you to stay close, Their are many passageways within the manor as you should know, and I rather not have to play find the brat while looking for the soul fragment" he gruffed out, his pools of ruby locked down onto your significantly smaller frame. As if to express how important his instructions were. "Its not like I was planning on running around anyways-" that was a lie, the one thing that would have been interesting this entire trip was now stripped away from you. Drifting off into though your brow rose, now looking up at the large bot, "Well, you know this would be quite the opportunity to learn a thing or two about.. old stuff, something you of all people should know about-" you whispered the last part under your breath. Despite your remark the black bear merely rolled his eyes, "As if you of all people would even pay attention to my knowledge, last time I so graciously tried to educate you further, you started snoring away, downright disrespectful" he muttered before pushing the door open, stepping into the pitch darkness of the manor.

Its been about an hour now, you were sort of grasping onto Nightmare's arm, at least as much as you could without him batting you off. The only light guiding you over any forgotten furniture or rotting wood was the crimson glow of nightmares optics, the manor was definitely much larger then it looked to be from the outside. Every now and then the two of you would walk by a cracked window pane, which would temporarily light up your path in a pale blue, casting a cold blanket upon the dust that gathered from the years of disuse, or the diamond web of a spider within the space between chairs and vanities that seemed to plaster the manor. While walking down yet another dark hall. Nightmare stopped, his tattered ears swiveling left to right, listening to the silence around. Your grasp around his black furred arm slightly tightened when he began to walk once again, his gaze scanning over every room before you came face to face with a large wooden door, gold painted around the frame and handles of the doors. Nightmare reached out, nudging the door open with the end of his metallic claw.

Upon the door slowly creaking open from its own weight, that pale blue moonlight peered out of the room, revealing quite the gigantic library. A glass dome upon the roof that casted the room in its natural lighting. Around the dome of glass were many paintings of what seemed to he cherubs, clouds, and the occasional angel or two. The library held a large balcony and staircase that lead up to the massive shelves. Which were quite filled with books, it would make quite the hangout spot if it wasn't so dusty and run down. Nightmare looked around before he began to walk again, you of course following along, despite how much you wanted to explore the room, it was probably best to stick with him. You never know what could occur if you stayed separated from him for too long.

As the two of you surveyed the library you began to pick up some of the books that seemed to be interesting while Nightmare searched the shelves or small desk that remained around the library. Its not like anyone was going to be missing these books anyways, soon enough you had a pretty decent stack of books, that was until one caught your eye. The books leather was a luscious lavender with gold binding and lettering. Strange symbols etched the lavender book, the lettering seemed to.. glow. As you went to pick up the book your hand was smacked. A soft yelp left your lips before your gaze fluttered to the bear. "Leave it to you to each for a fragment, but, congratulations on finding it" The mechanical bear hummed out. His servos now covered in a honey colored aura, slowly picking up the book, he began to inspect it, flipping it over, "This one is much more adapted to its environment" he murmured under his breath, softly chanting something under his breath before the book disappeared, his brows furrowed together before he reached his hand out to you, "Let's get you home dear" his voiced seemed to have softened, considering he was in thought in at the moment about.. something, as you glanced around the grand library one final time, your hand placed itself within his, closing your eyes as you prepared for the transportation.

After a few moments your eyes opened, the two of you were once again home.. how lovely. Before you could even say anything the black bear you spend the last 2 hours with was gone, a sigh left your lips,"Well, I guess that means I have the rest of the afternoon to myself" you chirped, making your way up to your bed room to relax and get to looking over those interesting books you managed to snatch up.

Lets see what tomorrow has planned for you..

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now