Chapter 6

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Here you were again, being dragged in a fleshy forest of tissue by your favorite black bear. You were quite repulsive to the environment around you when Nightmare and yourself first arrived. The meat floor sinking under your weight. A foul smell of rotting flesh lingering in the air, you found the source to be a 'tree'. If you could even call it that. The fallen tree truck revealed the mangled flesh and veins within the tree, it seemed to pulsate every now and again, showing it was still very much alive but rotting away with time. Disgusting. Nightmare seemed to find your reactions to the reality to be quite humorous. A mere chuckle escaping his tattered maw every now and again. He wasn't too concerned of the fleshy organisms around you both. His crimson gaze lingering ahead as the two of you searched for the new soul fragment. With him leading of course. Moving slightly closer to the larger bear upon seeing some strange mangled creature that seemingly resembled a deer of some sort. Though the overall features of the creature were deformed or replaced with strange appendages. The deer had fleshy pink eyes, it's antlers replaced with tendrils. It watched you for a few moments before running off, a shudder running through your frame. Why did he have to bring you along for the ride this time? Why couldn't he have just taken Fredbear or Springtrap with him. At least he would be gone longer if he took Springtrap, they seemed to goof around when it was them two alone. Both having the same sick humor as the other.

About a hour into your little expedition their still was no sign of the soul fragment Nightmare seeked for, he seemed quite irritated,"The one thing I always hated about this reality was the fact it moves as you move, I'm taking it believes we're playing a game, so when we draw near the soul fragment it moves it farther away" he muttered with a hiss of displeasure, his gaze snapping back to your (E/C) eyes. You could just feel the air thicken from his growing anger. You just hoped he didn't take it out on you.

Yet more hours of the fleshy earth shifting and Nightmare's outburst continued to pass as the sun of the reality started to fall. Nightmare had eventually have decided to set up a sort of camp down within a grove area. You were currently perked up against Nightmare, since you really didn't want to lean up against one of the throbbing trees. Your preferred his soft fur anyhow. His large arm was draped around your waist, the only source of lighting being the ruby glow of his eyes. That was more the enough anyways. Your cheek was resting against his side, along with the rest of your frame. Good thing you decided to wear a comfortable pair of baggy jeans and your sweater, since despite the living flesh you both sat upon, it was chilly. Your arms were crossed upon your chest, the soft rumbling and the grinding of the mechanical bears gears soft. You glanced up at the bear upon seeing the ruby glow you relied on to light the area around you disappear, finding the bear to be 'sleeping'. Cuddling closer to the other you closed your eyes, tucking your knees to your chest, trying to nestle your way into the bears side for not only warmth but also protection. You didn't like to admit it but he made you feel safe, despite how violent he could get, that rarely happened. A few silent moments of your breathing, Nightmares gears shifting, and the fleshy forest shifting filled the air before you also found yourself to be drifting off, soon allowing the embrace of slumber to take you into its arms. Maybe we'll have better luck tomorrow, that was your last thought before you finally fell into the comfort of sleep.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now