Chapter 9 (Smut)

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🧸Warning, the following will contain sexual themes, if you wish to skip this chapter. Feel free too do so for this chapter will not have any information referring to the lore of the book! If you wish to stay, good readings!~


Your eyes widen when the bear suddenly pinned you onto the shower wall, his large servos grasping your hips and pulling you up to hook them around his waist. Your face flushed in a deep rose,"N-Nightmare! Please stop I'm not r-ready!" You whined out with a whimper of some sort. Your pleads falling on deaf ears as he started to attack your neck with nips and kisses, if you could call it that. Your hands grasping onto his arms as a way to anchor yourself to the other. Your fearful whimpers filling the air before a gasp clawed out of your throat. The bears mechanical hips starting to grind themselves against your fleshy ones. What was this feeling. The feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and a heat in your core. It felt strange.
The bear's chest rumbled with a growl like purr as he held you against the walls. His sharp claws creating cuts in your hips from how tightly he was holding you, his gaze trailing along your frame, drinking up your flustered features, how beautiful you were in this state. Such a delicate human you were, so easily dominated. He could only assume it was because of the fact you knew you wanted this as much as he did, or maybe it was the fact you knew he'd get his way either way, if you liked it or not. He always had his way. His grip tightened as he pressed his forehead against (Y/N). His crimson optics full of lust, chuckling when his metallic phallus shifted past the dense black fur and against your warm flesh. Nuzzling his muzzle against your cheek as his hands shifted from your hips and down to your knees. Your legs were now resting on his arms, his hands latched around your knees. A sharp yelp escaping you when he suddenly pushed your legs up and pinned them towards your sides, his hips pressed against yours keeping you in place. Your eyes squeezed shut upon feeling the bears shaft grinding against your nether regions. Shaking your head as if that would convince the bear to release you,"Don't worry Angel, I'll be gentle~" he cooed out, his hips drawing back to press the tip of his length against your entrance. This drawing a whimper out of you, your (E/C) orbs locking onto his ruby ones. Sucking in a sharp gasp upon feeling the bear enter you, prying your virgin walls apart to make way for the new mass. Your eyes watering from the pain you felt, your hands grasping his chest now. Seemingly afraid to let go in fear you'll fall apart. Resting your head into his chest as well. A few moments of silence following, going to speak before your back arched from the large bear starting to thrust into your shaking frame. Your mouth gapped open, drool starting to trail down your lips, pleasure starting to overwhelm the pain you felt,"N-Nightmare~" your mewled out, tensing from the others name finding its way out of you. The bear perking up, seemingly growing quite confident when his thrust became faster and more sturdy. Your nails digging into the bears chest as you were bounced against the wall, moans and soft cries escaping you. The bear merely grunting with a pleasures hiss every few moments, he seemed to be enjoying himself. Your face was hot from pleasure. Why did he suddenly choose to take your purity from you? Maybe because it was the last thing he needed to claim from you. You didn't care anyways, the pleasure that ran through your frame fogged your mind with lewd thoughts and hot pleasure. You could feel the heat begin to fill your core, trembling in the others hands as he continued to claim your insides. You couldn't lie, you would allow him to do this to you more often. The bears gentle but dominate filled actions making you pudding in his hands. Another moan was drawn out of you when you felt the bear press further into you. He wasn't even fully sheathed into you, but yet, you felt so full. Your wet naked frame only proving this from the large bulge that sat within your belly, you could only assume he could easily rip you in half if he were to fully enter your walls. Shivering from the though your hands shakily raised to grasp the bears muzzle, leaning up to place a kiss upon his black bear nose. Slightly smiling from the bear purring and affectionately nuzzling you, the smile being replaced with a lewd expression when he started to pound into you,"Nightmare! you're so rough!~" you cried out in pleasure as your arms wrapped around his neck, nestling your head under his chin. Heavy pants escaping your lips as he pounded further into your core, your fingers curling from how deep he became, you'd never expect another human to do what he's doing to you, this was a unique pleasure. You would crave for this. You threw your head back into the wall when you felt the bear slam the rest of his girth into your stretched guts. You were practically a cock warmer for this bear, though you couldn't complain. How did he manage to fit all of himself into you? He's full of surprises I suppose. You continued to cry out the bears name as he claimed you, your back arching when you finally reached your climax, becoming limp in the pleasure you felt rush over your frame, basking in the afterglow of your release. Whining when you felt the bear whom was fucking your brains out reach his own peak, a short, sharp gasp escaping you from the overwhelming warmth of thick fluid fill you, your knees attempting to buckle. A few moments passing before the bear pulled out, your thighs now coated in the oil like substance. The bear growling as he pressed a heated kiss against your lips, pulling away,"You did well darling, maybe we can play more later~" he chuckled as he released your frame, allowing you to fall back onto your bottom to the shower floor. Your eyes widening from the large bump that remained in your stomach from the bears seed. Looking up to plead for help from the bear only to see he was now gone, a disappointed whimper leaving you as you were left to clean yourself up.

That damn bear.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now