Chapter 8

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Upon day breaking over the fleshy land once again Nightmare lead you forward further into the forest of living skin. Though me made you walk beside him this time around. You were slightly grasping onto his digit since this part of the forest was more dense then the rest of the organism of a forest you two trekked through. Your full hand barely wrapped fully around his finger. A reminder of how tiny you really were to this powerful creature who seemed to be quite soft towards you, you're lucky he finds you cute,"There it is, our pesky soul" the bears voice rumbled as he stopped in front of a green aura. Kneeling down to place his hand above it like he did before. Your gaze shifting away for a moment to look around you, you definitely wouldn't miss this forest. Though you would think about it a lot, despite its strange materials, it had some beauty behind it like all things do. You weee brought out of your thoughts when the black bear stood up and looked down at your smaller frame,"Ready to go home? Or do you want to send another night" he grinned playfully, you quickly shook your head,"Let's go home! This place gives me the creeps!" You squeaked out almost desperately. The bear chuckling as he watched you,"I don't know (Y/N) you seemed to like that mountain range over yonder" he chuckled, your face flushing from remembering the event that took place,"Haha- very funny- now let's go home!" You huffed now, mumbling to yourself before the bear shook his head. He found your behavior to be quite, cute.

The two of you arrived home shortly after your conversation. Quickly running up to your room to grab some clothes to shower since you felt disgusting from the flesh wood Nightmare and yourself visited for the past three days. Making your way to the bathroom to take a well deserved shower. You stripped yourself of the clothes you've been wearing for the time you were gone after you adjusted the temperature for the water. A sigh of relief escaping your lips from the water draping over your body, your eyes closing to bask in the warmth,"This is nice.. " your murmured, a few silent moments passing before a low voice cooed into your ear,"It is isn't it dear?~" you shrieked before flipping around to be face to face with the one and only Nightmare, how did he sneak in without detection! What a dumb thought, he could teleport of course he could easily appear in a room without needing to move, knowing hiding yourself from the others gaze would be fruitless,"Y-You could have asked if you wanted to join" you stuttered out, turning your gaze away from the bear, peeking from a low purr,"I don't need to ask permission lamb chops" he chuckled as his hand lifted to grasp your chin, tilting it up, his large fleshy tongue of dark purple flicking out from behind his mechanical maw to trail along your neck, this action brining a shiver up your spin,"N-Nightmare?-" you muttered out in slight fear. Though you couldn't help the heat that flooded your frame, why did you feel like this? Surely you didn't like him like that, right? The bear smirked as he pulled back, his eyes now half lidded and holding a possessive glint to them. His ears dropping as he leaned down to your ear, purring into it before his lips parted.

"I'm going to make you mine~"

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now