Chapter 14

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Now here you were hiding out in the 'attic' of your home. Figuring Plushie wouldn't think to search the attic at first. Hoping this would give you some time to find an even better hiding spot from the little plush bun. You liked playing games with him but every now and again he would get carried away, which would usually leave you with a bite or scratch mark on your legs or arms. Fredbear would usually lecture you about it after for not being mindful of the games you two played but that never stopped you. So here you are, preparing yourself for another lecture in case Plushtrap did get a bit too excited while playing. You were currently hiding in between some boxes of items which consisted of some clothing from previous years you couldn't part with, books, games, and other items. Dust blanketing everything within the attic from the years it's been untouched, this was actually the first time you ever used the makeshift attic as a hideout, thus why you believed plushie wouldn't think to look here for a while.
After a few minutes past in your hiding spot you decided on hiding out in one of the spare rooms now. Figuring plush may have already swept through the guest rooms(which really belong to the nightmares considering they resided in some of them). You slowly and quietly climbed down out of the attic, starting to sneak your way to the closest room, this being Freddy's. You peaked in at first before stepping inside, a surprised squeak escaping you when the door behind you was closed, twirling around to meet gazed with the brown bear,"Now what do you think you're doing dear?" The brown bear hummed as he gazed down at you with his amber orbs, his expression making you nervous,"W-Well if you must know, I'm playing a game of hide and seek with Plushtrap, I decided to switch spots and your room seemed like a good idea?" You murmured before giving him a sheepish grin. The bears brows furrowed before his expression became unimpressed,"So instead of asking for permission to hide here you sneak in, but I suppose since you're already here" the bear muttered before he gestured you to proceed. This making you feel relief, giving the bear a quick hug which surprised him to say the least, quickly hiding under the bears bed, which was quite cramp but still a good stop to hide away from the small bun.
Hopefully Freddy doesn't sell you out anytime soon you thought to yourself after another fifteen minutes pasted, you had started to grow quite bored since the plush rabbit hadn't even came this way yet, deciding to just watch Freddy from under the bed, he was quite the peaceful creature when he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. He was holding a book in his hands while sitting upon his recliner he had brought from their realm, his honey orbs gazing over to your own (E/C) eyes,"Take a picture it'll last longer" the bear muttered before he continued to read. You huffed at first from his words,"Well maybe I will!" You stated almost as of challenging the other though you didn't really mean for it to come out that way. Pausing upon the bear closing his book and standing,"W-Wait Freddy I didn't mean It!" You squeaked as you tried to hide further under the bed, only to get pulled out by your ankle,"Now dear it isn't wise of you to use that tone" the brown bear cooed as he held you upside down. You had to hold the rim of your shirt to keep it from falling off your frame,"I didn't mean for it to come out that way I promise!" You pleaded with him, the bears lips curving into a smirk before you found yourself to be hanging upside down on a hook the bear had in his room, your arms crossed against your chest tightly. The bear snorted as he watched you hand on the hook,"You know you make a pretty decoration~" the bear purred in a teasing manner. Huffing at the bear as a response. You just wanted to play hide and seek with plushie only to end up getting hung.
Why do you always get yourself into these situations?

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now