Chapter 15

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It's been an hour now since you got hung upside down on the large hook you could only wonder the purpose for. The bear whom put you in this unfortunate position was of course watching you silently from his recliner, like if you were some type of trophy,"I prefer you this way, much more quite then usual" his gruff voice cooed through the once silent room. A soft annoyed huff escaping your lips,"I'm always quiet'' a soft chuckle echoed from the brown bears tarnished chest,"Yes, but indeed never this silent, a shameful silence I speculate yes?" the animatronic added onto your statement before going back to the book he once was reading before he caught you watching him. You were already upset from the game you were playing with plushtrap ending after Freddy interfered, so this was just pouring salt into the wound. How embarrassing..

 You had stuffed your shirt into your sweatpants earlier since it kept falling down from your upside down position. Effectively flashing anyone who would wonder by or enter the room with you and Freddy. Not like anyone would care anyways but still, it was flustering when someone would walk by and give the usual blank stare of disappointment you would have to guess, it was still a little hard to figure out some of their emotions since of course, they were robots, not people with facial tissues and muscle like you or any other human on the face of the earth. A few more minutes of this past before Freddy finally stood up and pulled you up and off of the hook, dropping you down onto the floor on your head with a thump,"Geez- Thanks for that Fazbear, not like I wasn't gonna have a headache already from being hung" your grumbled as your hand rubbed at the hot pain on your head, a bump would form there surely from the height you were dropped at,"Of course Dear" the bear chuckled lowly as he patted the top of your head,"Now get out." he stated in a stern manner as he gestured to the door, you swatted at his hand that was still on your head before slowly standing up, brushing yourself off and casting a slight glare in his direction before you did as you were told, leaving the room with a soft grumble, not like you wanted to be in there any longer then needed anyways. 

Upon stepping out of the room the door was closed behind you. He must have not wanted you in there any longer either, which is fine, you were starting to get very lightheaded before he brought you down, so it was a saving grace for you. Next time, hide in your own room. You made a mental note of that for next time you and Plushy played another round of hide and seek, next time you'll try to get him to hide instead.

You made your way down to the Livingroom, sitting down on the couch and quite literally melting into the fluffy furniture. Enjoying the silence before you felt something plop down onto your head, reaching a hand up you yelped when it nipped your finger. A mechanical screech coming from the creature on your head, one of freddy's little demon children of course,"What do you want" a groan escaped your lips in annoyance, the little brown bear cub leaning over to look into your eyes, their claws were starting to dig into your scalp, which hurt, so you quickly scooped the little bear up and placed it down onto the couch next to you, usually they would only really bother you when they needed help raiding the kitchen for whatever sweet was locked away from them, they were kinda like toddlers in a way, so they were endearing. 

As endearing as nightmarish cubs could be. 

Your suspicions were confirmed when the cub pointed to the kitchen. Reluctantly you nodded to acknowledge the cubs request, picking the little creature back up you almost hesitantly stood up, you had just got to relax, but of course if you didn't help they would pester you until you did. So of course here you were now helping the three little cubs get a jar from the top of the cabinet, what was in it? You wouldn't know until your opened it, hopefully something normal, last time you opened a jar you ended up getting a face full of pickled eyes.. you still have flashbacks to that when opening strange jars. You slowly opened the jar, and thankfully it was just some cookies. Finally something somewhat normal in the house. 

For now at least.

Once you did the freddle's bidding your returned back to your spot on the couch to resign for the rest of the evening. Some television would help get your mind off of things for the time being. At least until one of the many nightmarish animatronics decide to join you, but for now, you will enjoy the silence and the ambience of the film. 

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now