Chapter 10

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You were laying in bed after your shower. A loose shirt and shorts around your frame as you hugged onto your pillow, the warmth your bed provided you comforting. You were currently watching the tv in your room, you rarely used it, but you decided tonight you would treat yourself with some videos on the internet. A soft yawn escaping your lips after a few minutes of watching the tv across the room, slowly reaching over to the remote that laid on your bed. Pressing the red button at the top. Watching the television power down before turning to face the wall. Melting further into the sheets before you finally drifted off.

A few hours later you woke up to laughter, your groggy gaze scanning around you before you nestled back into the bed, attempting to drift back off before your bedroom door opened, feeling your bed dip behind you,"(Y/N), I know you're awake, Chica made you breakfast" you heard Springtrap voice coo softly, his tone almost fatherly, you slowly turn to face the zombified rabbit, yawning once again and stretching,"Hey Springy, can't I just stay in bed a few more minutes?" You murmured out, nuzzling back into your pillow, perking from the rabbit chuckling,"Now we all like to sleep in but by the time you get up again your food will be cold, now come on" he smiled as he threw your blanket back, suddenly scooping you up, causing you to yelp, pressing into the rabbit. The rabbit nuzzling his nose against your hair as he turned and began to walk towards the door, shifting his grip on you as he made his way down to the kitchen

The rabbit set you down into your chair,"Morning cupcake! Sleep well?" The hen hummed out, her mismatched eyes glancing back to you before she continued to fix up a plate, walking over to place it in front of you,"Morning Chi" you murmured as you rubbed your eyes, perking from the plate of eggs, bacon, and hash browns. Starting to eat as the rabbit who brought you down grabbed a large mug left on the counter, drinking at the dark liquid within it. He would always have coffee in the morning, it seemed to calm him. Your gaze shifted back to your plate before tensing from the indigo rabbit slipping into the room, looming behind you,"Morning doll face~" he purred huskily, yelping when the hen smacked her spatula on top of his nose,"Leave her alone bon" she growled warningly. The rabbit huffing before he pulled away,"Why can't a rabbit have fun every now and again?" he hissed as he flares at the chicken. The hens eyes narrowing,"If you didn't try and fuck everyone all the time we wouldn't have to smack some sense into you dear" she stated in a mocking tone. Her eyes rolling, silence now lingering over once again, you liked quiet mornings.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now