Chapter 7

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The break of dawn shone light upon your frame, causing your orbs to flutter open with a soft yawn, stretching out with a soft huff,"Morning angel~" the black bears husky voice cooed. Causing you to squeak in surprise,"N-Nightmare! How long have you been awake?" You quickly calmed from the surprise, clasping your hand over your chest with a sigh,"Not to long now, you're adorable when you sleep darlin'~" he smirked now, leaning over to place a kiss upon your head, the action causing you to blush a shade of rose,"Creepy-" you huffed. The bear shaking his head before he pulled back and stood. Causing you to fall back against the soft fleshy tree. You cringed before quickly sitting up as well, brushing your digits through your messy hair as a way to somewhat fix it. The bear grinning before his hand lifted to ruffle your hair back up,"Very funny Nighty-" you groaned, fixing it once again before crossing your arms, glaring up at the black bear. Hopefully you can go home today.

A few more hours of silent curses from the bear and the forest shifting before you and the bear stumbled upon a large mourning range, it looked quite gorgeous if you didn't mind the fleshy atmosphere."Do you think we could possibly map out the movements of the forest from there? Trees don't seem to grow there" you murmured in question. The bears ears peeking before he shrugged,"Perhaps, let's just hope it doesn't decide to move the mountains as well" the bear gestured you to follow as he began to walk once again, quickly following after the bear,"Hey slow down! I have small legs!"

Upon reaching the top of the Moira in that proved to be quite the difficult task, for you at least. You sat upon a rock made of muscle and veins, you seemed to grow insensitive to the fleshy realm by now. Watching the Black bear survey the land, you had to admit, he was quite attractive, especially in the glow of amber that blanketed the land, you shook your head. You shouldn't be thinking of him like that, but of course you found yourself looking him over, maybe this world was driving you crazy, you were brought out of your thoughts upon the black bear clearing his throat."Take a picture, it'll last longer" the bear hummed, your face erupting in red. How long have you been staring him down,"I-I'm sorry! I spaced out!" You tried to justify your actions, the bear turning his head to raise his brow at you,"I'm sure you did" he muttered with a smirk upon his face, returning back to watching the land shift. The mountain seemed to be the only land that didn't move.

After your embarrassing situation you and Nightmare were once again heading in a particular direction, you lingered a few feet behind the black bear. Being too embarrassed and ashamed to get closer to him. Why did you do this to yourself? The question didn't stay in your head long enough to answer that when the bear perked up,"We'll stay here tonight, in the morning the land with our soul fragment will be only a few minutes walk away from here" he hummed out, stopping next to a pond of red, which you could only speculate could possibly be blood considering the copper smell it radiated,"Couldn't we move up more?" You whined as you held your (F/C) sweater closer to your frame, your nose scrunching from the copper scent,"Unfortunately, no, if we move further more then we'll be farther away from the soul fragment then we were originally, so it's here we shall stay, deal with it" he slightly growled, this encouraging you to not ask any furthermore questions, you'll just have to tough it out for tonight and then you can sleep in your nice warm bed. You can do this.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now