Chapter 12

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You were currently shopping in the store, alone. Finally, some peace from the chaos back home. Pushing the little shopping cart which was slowly being filled with the product you intended to purchase, your gaze scanned over the list, noticing a few added items on the list considering it was much neater handwriting then your own, maybe Freddy added onto the list? You could only ponder on that for a moment before you continued your shopping,"I never took him to be the wine type of guy- unless it was chica who wrote it?" You murmured quietly to yourself, shrugging as you pushed your cart down the isle full of wine bottles, looking along the bottles you pasted before stopping at the one that matched the name on your list, delicately placing it in the cart, mentally marking it off before continuing on. Shopping wasn't something you did much yourself anymore, not with the nightmares around, they always usually lingered around with you as of you'd run away if given the chance to. Despite how true that statement is, you couldn't run anywhere without Nightmare or Fredbear pulling you back home. Springtrap usually would laugh at your predicament considering you'd be held captive by one or the other when you would run off. That was never fun.

Upon arriving back home with your bags of grocery and random items you placed in your cart you actually received some help from Springtrap bringing in the bags. You would be pleased to know everyone was gone, minus Afton of course! This allowed you some free time. Things you wouldn't usually do with murderous animatronics around were up on the table. Now to choose the more chaotic activity-

After come careful consideration you decided to be a good human and not do anything chaotic of drastic. Instead choosing to watch some videos on your laptop and play some games. Their wasn't anything else to do anyways, about an hour in to your activity you were laying on your side watching a movie on the (F/C) laptop before you felt a large pair of arms wrap themselves around your frame. A squeak escaping your lips before you looked back to meet the indigo rabbits gaze, quickly looking away,"Whatcha doing doll?" He rabbits voice cooed into your ear, nipping at the lobe which cause you to shudder,"Just watching a movie" you murmured, slightly fiddling with your digits in a nervous manner. Considering the rabbit currently had his frame embracing yours, his chest pressed firmly against your back. You swallowed the lump that had began to form in your throat, the rabbit being one of the only few who could instantly make you nervous now,"Well I hope you won't mind be joining then correct?" He hummed, starting to make himself comfortable as he rest the top of his head upon yours, your face turning red when you felt the others cold nose nestle into your hair, whimpering from the other taking in your scent as he made himself at home in your bed cuddling you.

What a creep.

My Life Of Nightmares (fnaf 4 x reader. Kinda~)Where stories live. Discover now