Before you Read

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Just a warning everyone! A few things you need to know before you read.

•This was my first fanfiction I finished. So I have a little experience writing but not a lot.

•There is parts that just don't make any fucking since in my opinion. But over all this is a decent fanfiction.

•This was written in July-August 2020 when I was 14-15.

•I was a bit uncomfortable with nsfw but there is suggestive parts.

•There is no tw moments or times that needed a tw.

•I didn't know who to really develop a relationship so it's kinda just *boom* I like you now.

•TODODEKU IS A SHIP IN THIS, DON'T FUCKINF READ IF YOU'RE JUST GOING TO COMPLAIN (Sorry I've gotten sick of all the "ew" or "I don't shit it" or "I hope this ship sinks" comments. no one gives a fuck what you think. sorry to be mean about it :)

Anyways enjoy train wreck of a book.

(Added August 5th, 2022)

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