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So I can touch her without turning her to dust.

This is going to get interesting.


(Y/n) POV

I wake up and I don't know what time it is but it must be early since Shigaraki has yet woken up.

I get out if the bed and leave the room and head to the bar.

When I get there I find Kurogiri making breakfast.

"Do you need any help?" I ask him.

"Yes do you mind making toast? We need a lot of it."

(My job durring breakfast is making toast and I hate it XD)

"Sure" I begin making toast.

People continue to wake up all sitting at the bar and some leaving the base.

"Hai (Y/n)-chan~"Toga says with a yawn.

"Hi Toga" I say while continue making toast.

"I think that's enough toast Miss (Y/n)." Kurogiri says

"Okay" I stop and bring the bar and sit them next the the many eggs Kurogiri made.

There were at least 10 people around the bar now. The people ranged from Black to blonde hair., Masks and hats even one with scars? and one with a scar over their eye.

"Oh Miss (Y/n) can you go wake Shigaraki? He will be angry if he doesn't get breakfast." Kurogiri asks.

"Oh. Sure." I say and walk to our room.

I open the door and froze at what I saw.

Shigaraki topless and midway into putting on his jeans.

I quickly slam the door.


"BREAKFAST IS DONE!" I yell and run back to the bar. I have not doubt my face is as red as a tomato.

I enter the bar and all eyes were on me.

"(Y/n)-chan! What wrong? You look flustered!" Toga asks.

"Nothing!" I tell her and we go sit at the bar.

Soon Shigaraki walks in and sits in his normal seat which is on the opposite side of the bar.

Then everyone starts eating.

Once I finish I go wash my dish and go sit back down but Kurogiri calls me.

"Oh Miss (Y/n) come here."

I walk over to him.

Everyone was stareing at me it made me uncomfortable.

"Everyone this is (Y/n) (L/n). She is a new member and Shigaraki's fiance." Kurogiri says.

Every starts whispering I'm guessing about me.

"Ha! The hand guy!? How did that happen!" Says a large man with blonde hair and a scar over his eye.

"Yeah, your to cute for Hand Man." A man with purple scars says.

They keep saying how Shigaraki doesn't deserve me and how they could do better than he could. Then a bang was hear.

Shigaraki slams his hands on the bar and disintegrated the top layer of wood before leaving the room.

"Ha! He is going to have a tantrum in his room!" one of them say.

"Isn't he like your boss or something? Why are you mean to him?!" I ask them before leaving the bar and head towards Mine and Shigaraki's room.

I walk in to find him sitting on the ground playing a game on one of the consels.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"I dont know." I say.

I walk over and sit on the bed. I watch him play his game for a while until he stops.

"Hey. Ya know since we are going to be stuck with each other why don't wel tell our life stories? Better sooner than later am I right?" I ask him.

"Tch sure." He says turing towards me while still sitting on the ground.

"Well I'll go first. So I'm the granddaughter of the former lead of the Yukasa. I have a sister named Eri. My parents were killed by Eri when she manifested her quirk 5 years ago. I was even in the room when it happened. A peaceful day but when Eri touched my dad he slowly reverted to a younger age and soon disappeared because she did not know how to deactivate her quirk. Then she touched mom and that same happened to her. After that we when to live with our grandpa and his 2 adopted sons Kai and Hari. Kai forced my grandpa into a coma about a year ago and started using Eri to make his quirk destroying bullets and locked me in my room and I am 21." I tell him.

We sit in silence for a moment before he speaks.

"My mom was a nice person but my dad worked all the time and was a rude person. I had a little sister she was a brat. When I manifested my quirk I didn't know how it worked and I disintegrated my dog. Then my sister, mother and grandmother. My father saw what I did and was pissed. I didn't know what to do. So I grabbed his face killing him too. No heros came. I thought I was a monster for killing them. I was alone until Sensei found me. He found me on the streets and took me in. He told me it wasn't my fault I didn't know. Sensei is my savior and I'll do anything for him. I hate heros they couldn't save me then so why do they deserve my praise?! Soon Sensei put me in charge of the league." He says.

I swear I have tears in my eyes right now because if Eri had killed me too she might have turned out like Shigaraki.

"I never really think of heros. They don't mess with the Yakasa so they probably don't have an idea that Eri is being tortured." I say glaring at the ground.

"Anyway I really need a shower I haven't taken once since yesterday morning. I guessing that is the bathroom" I say pointing at the door connected to the room thats not the entrance.

He nods.

I walk over to my boxes of things and grab my soap and clothes. Then I walk back over to the bathroom.

Tomura POV

(Y/n) entered the bathroom. I'm kinda at a loss at what to do.

I end up settling in playing another game. This time I'm playing Battlefield.

I get lost in the game, time flys , and the door to the bath room opens showing (Y/n) in a (f/c) sweatshirt and black pants.

I look back at my game and found I had died.

"Damn it." I say and I hear a giggle come from (Y/n).

I hear her walk back over near the door (Not the bathroom one) I think she's looking through her things.

I look behind me a see her laying on the bed reading a book.

After a good while of silence there was a knock on the door. I go to get up but (Y/n) gets there before me.

"(Y/n)-chan!~ Let's hang outtt~" I hear vampire girl say.

"Sure Toga." (Y/n) says before leaving the room.



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