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(Y/n) POV



"(Y/n)-chan! wake up!"

I open my eyes to Toga sitting on me.

"Toga get off me." I command.

"Sorry!" She says as she gets off me.

"What do you want." I say as I sit up from the cold ground.

"Its 3 pm!" She yells me.

"Okay? And? I over used my quirk so I need sleep." I say a little annoyed.

"Sorry." She says pouting.

"It's okay Toga this ground is just so cold." I say as a pat her head.

"I'm also hungry." I say as my stomach rumbles.

"That's what I wanted to ask! Do you want to get food with me!?" Toga asks.

"YES!" I agree.

"Let's go see if anyone else wants to get food!" Toga says ask she drags me towards the nearest person. It happens to be Dabi.

"Dabi! Want to get food with us! And others if they want!?" Toga asks Dabi who is leaning against a pile of boxes on his phone.

"Sure." Dabi says not even looking up from the phone.

Now Toga is dragging me towards the next person/people. Todoroki and Midoryia.

"We are gonna go get food with Dabi if you guys wanna come!" Toga asks them.

"Ah do you want to go Todoroki-kun?" Midoryia asks Todoroki.

"Only if you want to go." Todoroki says to Midoryia.

"We'll go!" He says cheerfully.

"Okay!" Toga went to drag me to the next group of people but there wasn't any.

Looking around the 5 were the only ones in the large room.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Ohhh! I remember! Spinner and Magne went to get food a while ago! But I didn't want to leave you. So I didn't go. But I don't know where Shigaraki, Kurogiri and Sensei went. They are probably in a back room or something." Toga explains.

"Have you even asked if you could get food?" I said.

"Ah. I have to ask?" Toga looks at me confused.

"Toga. Our Group just killed All Might. All Might! We are wanted criminals. I doubt Sensei would want us to leave and risk getting cought." I try to explain.

"Oh! I didn't think of that!" she says.

"Going to find Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and Sensei." I say as I turn looking around the room.

I spot a door near the back of the room and walk towards it. I open the door and it's like I interrupted a funeral or something.

Sensei was sitting at a desk in the middle of the room and Shigaraki and Kurogiri stood behind him.

Infront of them sat Kai!? and Hari!?

"Oh come in (Y/n)." Sensei said.

I didn't say a word and walked in shutting the door behind me.

"I just wanted to say I'm hungry- and Toga wanted to go get something to eat but I stopped her. Spinner and Mange already left before I could stop them." I said.

"Thank you for stopping her it's not safe to be out when we are all being searched for." Sensei says.

"Also. Why are Kai and Hari here?" I ask.

"We were just talking about new housing arrangements. Since we don't have a place to stay I was making a arrangement to stay at the Yakasa's base." Sensei tells me.

Wait! We are going to go back to the Yakasa! I'll get to see Eri!

"Really!?" I say.

"Yes why are you so excited?" Sensei asks.

I look down at Kai.

"Will you let me see Eri?" I ask him.

"Depends if you will try to free her or not." He says.

"I just want to see my sister. Please. I won't try to run with her." I tell him.

"Then you can see Eri." Kai says.

"Thank you!" I smile.

"Great now that that's figured out. Kurogiri get ready to open a portal. (Y/n) can you go get the others?" Sensei asks.

"Yes!" I say and leave the room.

I look around and spot that Spinner and Magne are back.

I jog over to the group.

"Hey guys we are going to the Yakasa's base. We are going to be staying there since we don't have a place to stay anymore." I tell them.

"The Yakasa?" Toga questions.

"It's the place I grew up at. The whole reason I'm marrying Shigaraki is because Sensei and Kai aka Overhaul the leader of the Yakasa arranged it. I'm also the granddaughter of the former leader of the Yakasa." I tell them.

"Well that a lot to take in." Spinner says.

"Just come on!" I say walking back towards the back door. The others follow closely behind.

I open the door to find everyone sitting in the same spots as when I left.

I walk in and so do the others.

"(Y/n)-chan! Why are they wearing bird masks?!" Toga questions then gets closer to me.

"Is it a kink or something?" She whispers to me.

"No the brown haired one, Kai he is a germaphobe." I whisper back to her.

"Ohhhh" She says.

"Kurogiri. Portal." Sensei says and Kurogiri opens a portal.

"Chrono you go with them. I'll take the car back." Kai says and Hari nods.

Spinner and Magne go through first.

Then Todoroki and Midoryia.

And then Toga and Dabi.

I walk towards the portal.

"Welp here I go." I say was I walk through.



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