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(Y/n) POV

I wake up to a knocking on my door. I sleepy roll out of bed and open the door.

It's Hari bringing me my breakfast. I move to the side so he can come in.

He sets the food on my bed side table and goes to leave. But before he does he stops to speak.

"Just wanna warn you Overhaul is going to come to your room today. So have decent clothes on." I look down and it turns out im in a oversized t-shirt and my underwear.

"Oh okay." I tell him and he leaves.

What the hell could he want.

I go to my bath room and take a bath. It's so soothing I fall asleep.

I wake up when my face slips under the water and water goes into my noes.

I cough and blow the water out of my nose.

I get out of the bath and rap a towl around myself and enter my room.

I look through my dresser and find a (f/c) top and (f/p) of jeans. (Favorite color and favorite pair)

I get dressed and dryed my hair then I hear a knock at the door.

I go to answer and it opens and Kai walks through.

"I suppose Crono warned you I was coming?"

"Yes Hari did." I emphasized Hari because I refuse to call them by their villain names.

"Then let's go." He turns and walks out of my room.

I follow.

We leave the base and get into a limo.

"Where are we actually going Kai? I was never informed." I ask him.

"You will know soon." He responds and the car goes into silence.

We arrive at a type of wearhouse and get out.

'I am definitely going to get sold as a slave.'

As we enter the entire place was full of test tubes containing creature and some humans. They looked kinda like birds.

"Oh you have arrived Overhaul. I see you brought the girl." A voice said.

All of a sudden the lights in the place turned on presenting a man hooked up to all types of tubes and a respirator.

"Let's get on with this." Kai said.

"Impatient much? Fine. Kurogiri bring him."

Soon a purple circle appeared near by and a man came through.

He has light blue hair, a hunched structure and scares along him neck.

"Yes sensei? You needed me?" The man neels infron of the potato looking one.

"Stand up Tomura." The man stands and faces us.

"Now let's get on with business." Kai said.

"What buisness? Kai what's happening?" I ask Kai.


The man in the tube begins to speak.

"So for the whole cooperation of the League of Villains and help of my quirks. The Yakasa will allow The League to have full access to your quirk destroying bullets? Also the marriage of Miss (y/n) and Tomura Shigaraki."

"WHAT?" Me and the man now known as Shigaraki yell.

"Kai you didn't mention ANYTHING about marrying me off! I DO NOT AGREE TO THIS!" I say angrly facing Kai.

"Sensei! I was not informed of this!" Shigaraki said to his 'Sensei'.

"Kai your not actually going to make me do this right?" I ask him sincerely.

He remains quiet.

"Deal." Kai says.

Damn it Kai! I'm not your property!

I begin to cry.

"I will send Kurogiri to retrieve all Miss (Y/n)'s belongings. Until then she may go back to the base with Tomura. I still need to speak with you Overhaul about the more fine details of the agreement." 'Sensei' said.

Kai pushed me forward and I entered to purple circle that I believe is a portal.

When I exit I am in a bar. There is a couple people around the room but all I could focus on was Shigaraki who was now having a cursing fit.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Why Sensei?! Why Bird dick?! I hate him!" The blue haired male complained.

"Excuse his lauguage Miss (Y/n)." A purple and black mist man said.

"Damn it Kai." I curse sitting at the bar on putting my head on the counter.

After a bit of silence a hear stomping from behind a door and it soon bursts open.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" said a blonde girl with bangs and twin buns.

She scans the room and her eyes land on me.

"THERE YOU ARE!" She runs over to me.

"Hai! I'm Toga! What's your name? How old are you? What's your favorite color? Omg I love your out fit!"

"Toga don't overwhelm her." Kurogiri warns.

"Sorry. I'm just so excited to have another girl around! Us and Big Sis Mag can have sleep overs!" She says excitedly.

"Uh. H-hi Toga. I'm (Y/n)(l/n)." I reply.

"Hai (Y/n)! I can tell we are going to be good friends! Hehe!"



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