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I used my quirk to much.

"Heh. Guess I over did it." I say as my vision goes black.
Shigaraki POV
(wow that's different)

Im searching through the dust for Sensei and (Y/n).

Sensei was about to get hit by All Might that might have been a game over with his injuries but (Y/n) healed him and Sensei still got hit and (Y/n) got hit my the wind making them fly into a building.

"SENSEI! (Y/n)!" I yell when I find them (Y/n) is laying on the ground with blood dripping from her nose.

"Tomura get (Y/n) out of here." Sensei says.

"What about you!?" I ask.

"I'll be fine. All Might is at his limit. Now because of (Y/n) I'm at my full power." Sensei says as we walks back towards All Might who is on his knees bleeding from his head.

I look down at (Y/n). She looks pale.

I pick her up bridal style and carry her towards the league.

"What happened to (Y/n)-chan!?" Toga yells and runs towards me.

"Is she okay!?" She asks.

"She should be fine." I say walking over to a flat area and setting her down.

"Kurogiri get a portal to our warehouse ready. We need to leave soon. All Might should be defeated any minute." I say looking over at Sensei who is staring down at a weak All Might.

"He can't loose. He's All Might! He never looses." a kid with spiky red hair says trembling where he stood.

"Kirishima! Yaomomo! Midoryia! Todoroki! We need to leave!" The blue haired kid yelled.

"I'm not leaving." the peppermint kid says.

"I-If Todoroki-kun isn't leave t-then I am n-not either!" The Green haired kid says.

"Let's just go Iida. Kirishima." said the black haired girl as she ties the two in a gray scarf like what the hero eraser head uses.

"YAOMOMO! WHAT ABOUT MIDORYIA AND TODOROKI!" the blue haired kid resists.

They leave.

"What was that about!?" I question looking over at the rest of the league.

"Basically Midoryia confessed to Todoroki and now he won't leave Todoroki's side!" Toga says and point behind her at the green haired boy hugging peppermint tightly while crying.


I look over at Sensei and see him raising his hand in the shape of a round triangle (Idk what it's called) towards All Might before standing him through the chest.

He pulls it out and a big hole is in All Might's chest that you could put your head through it you tried.

"Yes! He is dead!" I say and begin to laugh.

"Did we win..?" A voice asked.

I look behind me to see (Y/n) had woken up and started to sit up.

"Yes. Yes we did." I tell her with a smile.

She smile back at me.

"I'm glad. Now I'm going back to sleep because I have a fucking horrible headache!" She says and lays back down.

"Ha. way to ruin the moment." I laugh.

"It's my soul purpose in like to ruin perfect moments!" She yells.

"It's time to go." A voice says.

I look behind me and see Sensei.

"Aww but I want to sleeeeep." (Y/n) says.

"Sorry (Y/n) but the heros will be here any minute." He says as we start walking through the portal Kurogiri made.

"I don't wanna walk!" (Y/n) yells still sitting on the cement block.

"Either walk or I'll be forced to carry you." I tell her.

She thinks for a second.

"I'm okay with that!" She says.


What ever.

"Fine." I say and walk over to her and pick her up like I did before.

"So cute!" Toga yells.

"Shut it vampire." I say and walk through the portal.

We leave the portal and I set (Y/n) down on a box.

"Thanks." She says

"No Problem." I say looking at the ground.

"Cute!" The vampire yells again.

"Quiet Vampire/Toga!" (Y/n) and I speak in unison.

The entire room became quiet except small sobs for the Green haired boy.

"You young man. Who are you?" Sensei asks the boy.

"I'm Izuku Midoryia. I'm a student at ua. In class 1a." He says.

"Why are you here Midoryia?" Sensei asks.

"I don't want to leave Todoroki-kun." He says as he hugs the peppermint boy.

"What if staying with Todoroki causes you to become a villain? Would you still do it?" Sensei asks.

"I.. I'd... I'd do it!" He yells as he started crying again.

"That's all I need to know. Welcome All Might's successor or Izuku Midoryia." Sensei says as he Pat's the boys head.


"How'd you-?"

"I have a quirk that can read minds. You explained yourself in your thoughts. I believe you are truth worthy." Sensei says.

"Yeah yeah. I'm tired! Either I get a bed or I'ma sleep on the boxes! And they are uncomfortable so I'ma be cranky when I wake up!" (Y/n) says the ruin the moment again.

"Yeah yeah. Kurogiri do we have any beds here?" I say looking towards him.

"We dont have any beds but we do have sleeping bags." Kurogiri says and walks over to a box and opens it.

He pulls out a sleeping bag. (Y/n) runs over to him.

"Good enough! Good night!" She says as she gets into the sleeping bag and lays in the middle of the floor.

"I want to sleep with (Y/n)-chan!" The vampire yells as she grabs her own sleeping bag and lays down next to (Y/n).

"Well let's get to bed guys." Spinner says as he grabs a sleeping bag and Magne and Dabi follow not far behind.



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