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(Y/n) POV

So things have been surprisingly quiet around for the past week or so.

Well ever since the USJ attack failure. We lost a Nomu and barely hurt All Might. As far as we know it barely effected UA because they are still having the yearly Sports Festival today.

Shigaraki has been talking to the Stain guy. He looks like a ninja and he has horrible posture. Hunching down like that can't be healthy for your back.

He is all about how All Might is the only true hero and how he wants to eliminate all other heros. Toga, Dabi and this new guy Spinner totally love his idea.

In my opinion All Might seems annoying. His voice is at least but that's all I really know about him. I do know he is not friends with Sensei. I think they got some beef. (BeEf)

I think it's around 10 (in the morning) and everything is quiet. Only Kurogiri and I are in the bar so there isn't anything eventful happening. Only the casual conversation every once in a while.

"The UA festival should be starting soon." Kurogiri says while walking over the the box TV at the end of the bar changing the channel to the news.

It shows a woman with medium green hair in a suit holding her mic infront of the UA gates.

"Today is the annual UA Sports Festival! Now I'll show you to our inside camera man Daniel!" She speaks and the screen changes to a man with shirt black hair also in a suit.

"Thank you Lana! Now as you can see I'm in the stadium where the festival will take place in less than an hour! The entire place is full of citizens and heros who payed for their tickets years in advance!" He speaks.

Then the crowd begins to cheer loud.

"It seems as it's beginning! The first year students are entering the stadium!" The reporter says as the camera zooms in on the lines of students entering the arena.

The woman gets on this type of stage things and starts talking. In my opinion her outfit is very revealing, I couldn't never wear something like that and she even has a whip.

She said something about the top student and a blonde kid walks into the small stage.

Wait. That's the kid that tried to hurt me but Shigaraki stopped him. So he is the top student?.

He says something that makes every angry.

"I'm going to win." The boy says.

Thats all he has to say? Not even a Do your best? He is really selfish.

After the woman speaks for a couple more minutes the first event begins.

It's a type of race? Obstacle course? I don't know.

Everything was going pretty smoothly. This one kid used he's ice powers to glide on the ground. A different one made a motorcycle so she could get ahead.

When people started to get to the first obstacle that was big robots the size of buildings most people tryed to avoid them but the one ice kid freezes a bunch of them making them fall in the direction of the other students.

The next one was a type of canyon with strings attaching the platform. It was to far for anyone to jump the gaps so the students had to use the strings. Well the blonde just flew over it with his explosions.

The last obstacle was a minefield. The mines weren't actually bombs only filled with colored powder. It took even the kids in first place a while to get half way across it trying to to step on a mine. The action was slowing down until the kid with green hair used a pile of bombs and a piece of metal to propel himself across the entire minefield. He ended up getting first place.

The next event was a type of Calvary Battle? It sounds boring. They were given a couple minutes to partner up then the game began.

Basically the game was steal points and protect your points. There was so much things happening I got confused but by the end the Green haired kid lost his 1 million points.

Now it is time for the 1v1 battles.

Watching as each battle happened was interesting watching all the different students tactics against each other. But by the end of it the blonde kid won 1st just like he said he would. The ice guy which I now know has fire powers too was is 2nd and the bird guy and the Green haired kid was in 3rd.

They had to tie the blonde kid up because he didn't get a fair match with the fire-ice kid. He has very hostile tendencies for wanting to be a hero.

Time Skip Brought To You By (Y/n)'s Adorable Smile~

I'm walking down the hall towards the bar with Toga by my side. She just did my nails in a (f/c) nail polish.

When we enter the bar and see Kurogiri opening a portal in the middle of the room. Shigaraki is standing next to him so I suppose they are going somewhere.

"Where are you guys going?" I ask running up to them.

"We are just going to observe the the Nomu's Miss (Y/n)." Kurogiri says.

"Uh what do you mean? They are in like tube things-"

"No the Nomu we set loose in Hosu Miss (Y/n)." He tells me.

"Oh. What was the point of letting the loose?" I ask him.

"To hurt All Might's pride. He isn't there also it has the least crime rate so only low level heros patrol there meaning we can do tons of damage." Shigaraki says.

"That's smart! Can I come to!?" I say smiling at them.

"Sure." Shigaraki says while looking away from me and walking through the portal.

I walk in after him and Kurogiri after me. When I get to the other side we are on the roof and a building.

Fire is everywhere and screams could be heard. I look down and see people running as the mini Nomu chases them.

To be honest this is scary. Just imagining being one of the innocent family's walking home for their eventful day to be attacked by a bird type creature you don't know.

I look around a bit more and spot this guy he was on fire but it didn't seem to bother him. Instead he fought the Nomu defeating them easily. His outfit looks weird so I'm guessing he is a hero.

I keep watching as he fought the mini Nomu's and saving the citizens.

I look to my left and see the one stain guy run out of an ally with the one green haired kid and the ice-fire kid and this blue haired one follow him.

The Green haired kid gets picked up by a flying Nomu but Stain saves him!?! They are to far away so I can't hear them. Stain gets cought by the fire hero.

By now most of the Nomu have been defeated but they did cause alot of damage.

"Let's go back Shigaraki, Miss(Y/n)." Kurogiri says and we go back to the bar.


(Hey if anyone gets any ideas for the name of the book comment at the end of the chapter

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(Hey if anyone gets any ideas for the name of the book comment at the end of the chapter. I can't think of a title and it's bothering me not having one XD)

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