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"Fine! Dont tell me!" Toga say angrly.

Everything seemed so happy.

. .

. . .

Then a knock was heard.

"PIZZA DELIVERY!" a voice screams.

"Who the hell-" Shigaraki began but then the door was busted down presenting All Might and many other heros.

Tree roots began to rap around everyone except Todoroki.

"Damn it!" Shigaraki curses.

"JUST GIVE UP VILLAINS!" All might announces.

My feet become wet and a black liquid begins to consume me and the other villains including Todoroki.

"YOUNG TODOROKI!" All Might yells as the liquid covers Todoroki fully.

I close my eyes and when I open them again I am in a what used to be a building.

"Sensei!" I hear Shigaraki yell.

I look around and find the rest of the league and run to them.

"What happened!?" I questioned.

"The sensei dude saved us!" Toga says.

I look around and spotted Shigaraki bowing on one knee infront of the potato like man.

"YOUNG TODOROKI!" I hear the annoying voice of All Might yell.

"SHOUTTOOOO!!!!" I hear a voice yell. I'm guessing that's the #2 hero Endeavor.

"Oh no. We got both the #1 and #2 heros coming." I say.

"Get back." Sensei says walking infront of us.

I back up.

The heros arrive standing infront of Sensei.

"You." All Might said with vemon in his voice.

"WHERE IS SHOUTO!" Endeavor yells.

"I'm right here old man." Todoroki says calmly while standing next to Dabi.


"Can you stop yelling. Clearing he doesn't want to go with you." Dabi says.

"QUIET VILLAIN! IM GETTING MY SON BACK!" Endeavor yells angrly and attempts to pass Sensei but gets kicked across the city.

"Woah! Home run!" Toga jokes.

"Give Young Todoroki back!" All Might yells.

"Nope!" Toga giggles and Sensei kicks All Might. This time instead of flying across the city he hits a building near by.

There is dust everywhere front the impact. For the dust a bolt of lightning heads towards Sensei.

It turns out to be All Might.

Sensei blocks his attack.

I look around. Everyone seems focused on the fight. I look around and see movement.

I look closer to see a set of green hair peaking over a bit of rubble.

"Guys. We got students behind us." I warn them.

Everyone looks where I'm looking but the green hair is gone.

"They are behind that peice of cement." I say pointing at the place I saw the hair.

I begin to walk towards it.

"Miss (Y/n) stay near us." Kurogiri says.


"Spinner, Magne, Dabi, Toga go get the kids. We can use them as leverage." Shigaraki says.

Everyone begins to walk towards the place I saw the kid. Including Todoroki.

"I'm going to!" I say running to Toga.

"Miss (Y/n)!" I hear Kurogiri say but ignore him. Sorry.

Spinner gets to the place first and gets punched in the face.

"Ouch kid! Is your hand rock of something!? That fucking hurt!" Spinner yells.

"Good job Kirishima-Kun!" The Green haired kid yelled.

"EEK! ITS YOU!" Toga yells and throws herself at the kid.

His face grows red.

"W-what a-are y-you d-doing!" He studdered.

"Hugging you! You are so cute! Can I taste your blood!? I bet it's tasty!" She says hugging him tighter.

I look over and Todoroki seems to be a bit annoyed at her action.

"Let him go Toga." Dabi says calmly.

"But I dont wannaaa! If I let him go he'll run away!" She pouts.

"Let Midoryia go." Todoroki says.

"Oh Mr new guy thinks he can boss me around!"

"Let him go." Todoroki says more serious this time.

"Fine fine! That voice is scary!" Toga says and backs up from Midoryia.

"What's happening T-todoroki-kun?" He asks.

"All Might and the Faceless dude are fighting." Todoroki says pointing behind us.

"N-no! You are talking with the villains like they aren't our enemy!" He yells.

"I'm sorry." Todoroki says looking away from the green boy.

"Why?!" he says looking at Todoroki.

"Midoryia I-"

"No! Todoroki-kun I.. I... I LIKE YOU!" He yells.

"Awww why do the cute ones always gotta be gay!" Toga yells and stomps towards me.

"Midoryia-" Todoroki says shocked.

I glance behind me and see All Might is almost defeated.

He is down on one knee and he becomes a skeleton type figure.

"All Might!" Midoryia yells.

All Might looks towards us.

He all of a sudden he gains a very buff arm.

He is gonna hit Sensei!

Out of reflex I run towards them.

I get there just in time to touch and heal Sensei before a big gust of wind hit us and we fly into a building.

That really hurt.

It hurt just as much as when Midoryia hit me.

I quickly heal myself and heal Sensei again.

"Are you okay!?" I ask him.

"Yes thank you (Y/n)." Sensei says standing up.

"SENSEI! (Y/n)!" I hear Shigaraki yell somewhere in the dust.

I feel a wet substance drip from my nose.

I touch it. Blood.

I used my quirk to much.

"Heh. Guess I over did it." I say as my vision goes black.



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