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"Uh. H-hi Toga. I'm (Y/n)(l/n)." I reply.

"Hai (Y/n)-chan! I can tell we are going to be good friends! Hehe!"


Tomura POV

"Shut it, you vampire." I tell Toga.

"Aw Handy man is being a grumpy butt." Toga frowns.


"Can I take (Y/n)-chan to my room! I want to get to know her! Pleaseeeeeee!" Toga begs.

"Do what ever you I want with her I dont care." I say.

"Yay! Let's go (Y/n)-chan!" Toga grabs (Y/n)'s hand and skips through the door.

"Shigaraki you have to be nice to her." Kurogiri says while cleaning a glass.

"Tch." I reply.

"You two aren't that different. Infact you have had a better life than Miss (Y/n)." Kurogiri said.

"Tch what could be worse than my life." I reply.

"That is not something I should say. You should ask her yourself."

Hell no I'm not

(Y/n) POV

Toga just dragged me by the arm out of the bar and through a door that lead to a long hallway full of doors.

"We are going to have so much fun (Y/n)-chan!"

She stops dragging me and opens a door.

The room was shades of pink and red with tons of plushies on her bed.

She pulls me over to her bed and we sit down.

"So! (Y/n)-chan! Why did you join the League?" Toga asks cheerfully.

"Uh. You first Toga." I say delaying talking about my situation.

"Oh! I want to rid this world of the 'fake' Heros and have a world I can do what I want in! I want to be free! No matter how many people I have to kill to do it." She says the last part very darkly.

"Now you!" She says.

"Well... In a way you could say I'm 'Hand man's' soon to be wife?" I tell her using the nickname she used before and she looks at me shocked.

"WAIT? What?! Shigaraki?! What do you see in him? He is so gross~" She says while sticking out her tounge like she was about to throw up.

"It's an arranged marriage, by his 'Sensei' and Kai otherwise known as Overhaul." I tell her while looking down sadly.

"Oh my hunny I'm so sorry. If it's has something to do with Sensei you can't stop it. His word is final around here. He is kinda the big boss in charge." She tells me.

We are left in silence until she changes the subject.

"Anyway! What's your quirk? Mine is Blood Transformation! If I drink someone's blood I can turn into them! The more blood the longer!" She tells/asks me.

"Mine is a healing quirk. I can heal myself and can heal others if I touch them."

"Wow! That's so cool (Y/n)-chan!" Toga says.

I hear a knock come to the door and Kurogiri enters the room.

"Miss (Y/n) I'm going to get your belongings if you would like to accompany me." He asks.

"I'd love to." I get off the bed and leave the room with him leaving Toga in her room.

Kurogiri opens a portal and we walk though it opened into my room and I see Hari sitting on my bed.

✔️𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 - Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now