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(Y/n) POV

I wake up, roll on my side ,and open my eyes.

I am faced my a sleeping Shigaraki. I just stare at him.

I'm such a creep.

I keep staring at him observing his faces details.

Looking closer I guess he is attractive in his own way.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize him waking up. but when I did realize I freaked out and fell off the bed.

I heard him laughing at me.

"Very mature." I say.

"Says the one who freaked out and fell off the bed." He replies.

I giggle.

"I guess you are right." I say then scratch the back of my neck.

"Well I'm going to take a shower." I say then get up grabbing clothes from the dresser.

Oh yeah. Did I mention it's been about 2 weeks since I've moved in with the league?

I continue to the bathroom.

I didn't? Well yeah it's been about 2 weeks. It has been relatively quiet and nothing has happened to note. Well I have gotten to be acquainted with Shigaraki. To were we are ok and comfortable around each other so things aren't so awkward. But nothing has really happened between us.

I take a short but relaxing shower and get out. Once I'm dressed I leave the bathroom. Shigaraki has left the room I suppose to the bar.

Today I woke up a bit later because I stayed up late watching Shigaraki play his game. It's hilarious when he dyes or looses and gets angry.

I leave the room walking to the bar and as I walked I am greeted by a sleepy Toga leaving her room.

"Good morning Toga." I tell her.

"Good morning (Y/n)-chan." She says looking up while rubbing her eyes tiredly.

We walk to the bar and I sit down in the middle Toga coming and sitting next to me putting her head on my shoulder.

Kurogiri hands me a cup of coffee. (For people who don't like coffee like me 'yes I don't like coffee' just say tea or water idc)

Then hands Toga a cup of coffee also and she drinks it. (Just to remind you she still has her head on your shoulder.)

Soon Dabi enters and glances around before sitting at the bar a v
couple seats away from Toga.

"I swear sometimes I think you two are lesbians or something. The way you let her lay on you and cling to you." He says.

"I have never had anyone display affection like this to me before so I'm fine with it. Its comforting in a way." I say while hugging Toga.

"Definitely lesbians." He says again.

"Just to remind you Dabi Miss (Y/n) is going to marry Shigaraki. So please refrain from making sure assumptions." Kurogiri says.

"Yeah sure. It isn't like she want to marry him." Dabi says.

Everything turns to silence for a good while.

I can't stand this it's too quiet

I stand up.

"Im going to read." I say leaving the bar and heading back to my room.

Once I get there I sit in the bed. I lay back and stare at the ceiling and my mind begins to wonder, bringing thoughts to my mind that aren't so great.

My mind told me such things as 'Worthless' , 'weak' , 'no one likes you' ,and 'you don't care about anyone you even forgot your own sister who is being TORTURED right now.'.

I feel tears roll down my cheeks. I miss Eri so much. I wish I could save her from the life she has had to endure the past year.

I'm so weak I couldn't even save her when I had chances to. She's all alone right now and I bet she is so scared. I continue to cry.

My tears are interrupted by the door opening showing a slightly concerned Shigaraki. I quickly wipe my face off and look around for my book but it was on the other side of the room.

Damn it

"Hey. I heard crying from outside the door. Something wrong?" He asks.

"Ah nope everything is A okay!" I say.

"You are the worst lier ever. Whats actually wrong?" He asks as he walked and sat on his side of the bed.

"I was thinking about my sister. I was thinking about the pain she is in, the pain she has been in. I am so worried about her and wish I could see her. I was thinking how I could have saved her and how much of a failure I am for not saving her." I say.

"It isn't your fault she is still there. To be honest Overhaul is strong and I doubt you could fight him or his minions." He says.

" But I could have done something but I didn't! It's my fault! I bet I could have saved my parents too but I failed!" I yelled while beginning to cry again .

Shigaraki leans over and grabs my shoulders.

"Listen nothing that happened was your fault it was out of your control! So don't blame yourself for others actions and fate! It could be stopped." He tells me.

I stare at him with shock.

"Why do you care?" I ask him.

"Uh. I don't know. I just do." He says then gets off the bed and grabs clothes to take a shower.

Why does he care? It isn't like he likes me.

At least I don't think so..



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