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(Y/n) POV

I am awakened by loud noises and bangs from somewhere in the base. It sounded like gun shots.

I jump out of bed and glance at the clock. It's around 9 in the morning.

"What the fuck-" Tomura says just as suprised as me.

I walk quickly over to the door and open it slowly. The hallway is empty but soon the other league members doors open.

Toga notices me and rushes over to me.

"(Y/n)-chan! What are those noises!? Did someone get shot!?" She asks.

"I don't know yet Toga." I reply.

I look around everyone seems to be shaken. I see a shadow from around the corner and Matsuo runs out.

"(L/n)! Heros and police are raiding the base! They've came for Eri!" He yells apporching us.

"Really!?" I say with a smile but my smile soon dulls.

"We need to get the league out of here- Or you'll all be arrested too." I say looking towards Tomura.

"Everyone get to Kurogiri's room I'll get Sensei." He says quickly.

I look down at the ground.

"I have to make sure Eri makes it out safe. Go without me." I say looking up at them.

"We can't leave you (Y/n)-Chan!" Toga says grabbing my hands.

"We are not leaving here without you." Tomura says looking at me seriously.

"Now it's not your choice. Is it?" I say as I turn around.

"I'm going to save my sister if it's the last thing I'll do. I might have to fight Kai but it's a risk I'll take. She's the only family I have and I'm not abandoning her." I start to walk away but Tomura grabs my hand. (If it wasn't for our quirk it'd be rip hand XD)

"We're your family too (Y/n) don't forget that." He says then let's go.

Matsuo leads me towards Eri's room.

Once we get there the guards are gone. They must be fighting somewhere.

I open the door and see the room I remember. A bed in the middle. Shelves of toys she never uses. Coloring books never colored. Books never read.

I see the cowering set of white locks in the corner of the room.

"Eri!" I yell running towards her.

I fall on my knees in front of her.

"Eri.. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..." I say tears leaving my eyes.

Her head slowly lifts and I see her gentle red orbs.

"(y- (y/n)?" She says.

"Yes it's me! Your sister!" I say looking at her.

She soon lounges towards me and gives me a big hug.

"(Y/n)!! You came back!!" She says and begins to cry.

"It's okay I'm here now~" I say and pay her head softly.

"Now Eri. The heros are here. I can't come with you but you will have to go with them. They will help you." I say to her.

"What can't you come with me!?" She asks.

"I've done a bad thing so if I go with you I'll get in trouble. All I want is you to be safe. Kai won't touch you anymore." I explain.

She nods at me. I pick her up and hold her on my back. (Piggy back ride) I look over at Matsuo.

"Do you know which way the heros got in from?" I asked him.

✔️𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 - Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now