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16 year old (Y/n)'s POV

I look over at Eri who is doing a puzzle with Hari.

"Eri~ Want to play hide and seak~" I say picking her up.

"Yeah! I wanna play! Please! Please!" She says as I put her down.

"Sure! Wanna play Hari?" I ask the white haired boy.

"Sure I'll play." He says as he stands up from the coffee table.

"I'll count first you guys hide." I say as I flip onto the couch hiding my head in the cushions and covering my ears.

I began to count.





"READY OR NOT! HERE I COME!" I yell and get up from the couch.

I look around the and quickly spot Eri hiding behind a chair. I decided to look for Hari then spot Eri.

I glance around the room and see a shadow I the window.

"Found you Hari!" I say as I open the curtains and Hari falls out of the window.

"Ouch." He says and rubs his arm. He fell on it when he fell from the window.

"I'm coming for you Eri~" I say while faking looking around the room until I got to her spot.

"Found youuu!" I say as a tickle her from behind.

"(Y/n)-chan! Hahaha! Stop I can't breathe! Hahaha!" Eri giggles.

I stop tickling her and hug her tightly.

"Love you Eri." I say.

"I love you too."


(Y/n) POV Current time

The living room looked the same as it did back then. Except no puzzle out on the coffee table.

I walk over and sit on the couch.

"It's been years since I've been in here." I mumble.

"But didn't you live here?!" Toga asks.

"Well I was kinda locked in a bedroom for like 2 years." I say.

"What-?" Toga looks confused.

"We'll talk later." I say dismissing her confusion.

"I'll show you guys to your rooms." Hari says.

I jump up from the couch.

"Hey! Hari! Am I getting my old room back?" I ask him.

"If you want. It's still empty." He tells me.

"Okay! It sucks that all my things are at the bar. The heros probably threw it all away. I was in the middle of a good book too!" I pout.

"Damn it. I lost all my games too!" I look behind and see an angry Shigaraki.

"Hey! Shigaraki if you want we can go get you more games! And I can get more books!" I say walking towards him.

"Oh sure." He says and scratchs his neck.

"Ya know you need to stop the habit of scratching your neck. You have sores." I tell him looking closer at his neck.

He quickly covers his back and backs away.

"Yeah. Sure." He says.

"Okay! Let's go!" I say turning around and walking towards Hari who was at the doorway.

✔️𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 - Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now