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(Y/n) POV

Once we all got back from the mall we were greeted but the entire base in a up rawr. (Rawr~ XD)

Soon Mastuo runs up to us. (It's the old guy who helped us get back to our room when we got lost)

"(l/n)! Eri escaped!" He says in-between his panting from running.

"She escaped! By herself!?" I asked helping him stand straight.

"She surprisingly smart for her age. She tricked the guards and and a run for it." He explains.

"So I'm guessing Kai is pissed." I said with a sigh.

"Overhaul went after her. He should be back soon but Chrono is still sending people out in case he doesn't find her. In that case I need to get to my position! Bye!" Matsuo leaves us running down the hall.

"I hope they don't find her. Anywhere is better then here. For her at least." I say lowering my head.

I have no doubt they will find her but I can only wish she finds heros before.

"Who was that guy?" Shigaraki asks.

"OwO is a handyman jealousss~" Toga exclaims.

"He is my Grandpa's friend. Apparently he was his right hand man. Kinda like Hari to Kai. But since Grandpa- Speaking of him I should pay him a visit soon." I say looking towards the ceiling picturing the cheerful face of the grandparent.

The others begin to take their things to their room and I grab my bags and same for Shigaraki as we walk to our room.

I begin to put things away. The pants and things in the dresser and bigger clothes in the closet. Not even paying attention I also begin putting Shigaraki's clothes away.

After I was done I put my books way and put the bag with the gaming things near the tv. I don't know how to do that- I'll leave it for Shigaraki.

Well. Thinking of Shigaraki. He calls me (Y/n) right? I wonder if it's okay if I call him by his first name.

I look over at the male sitting on the bed on his phone doing God knows what.

I puff out my cheeks.

Should I ask?

Sure what could go wrong!?

I smile in determination.

"What are you so smiley about?" Shigaraki questions lifting an eyebrow.



"So?" He asks again.

"I.. I was thinking since you call me (Y/n).. If it was okay if I called you Tomura..." I explained.

He looked a bit shocked at first but then started laughing. (Bro it's up to you if it's the creepy laugh or a better one XD I don't judge-)

Shigaraki POV

I start laughing. Not at her but at myself for being dumb. For a second I thought she was happy because she was thinking of someone. It wasn't even in my mind that she was thinking about me.

I was angry at this 'person' who was me.

"Why are you laughing!? It isn't funny!" She exclaims clearly hurt by my actions.

I stop laughing.

"I'm not laughing at you! I'm laughing at myself and yes you can call me Tomura." I explained.

✔️𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 - Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now