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(Y/n) POV

I am chilling at the bar and enjoying the silence.

But all nice things have to end. When Toga comes running up to me.
"(Y/n)-chan! Let's go shopping together!" She says as she hugs my arm.

"What are we shopping for?" I ask her.

"I don't know! Clothes!?" She says.

"Sure. Is it okay if I go with her Kurogiri?" I ask Kurogiri who was standing in front of me.

"You don't need my permission Miss (Y/n). But since you are asking you can go as long as you bring Dabi or Shigaraki with you." Kurogiri tells me.

"Okay! Toga who do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"Well Dabi would attract to much attention with his ugly mug so I guess you can go try to convince Shigaraki!" Toga tells me.

"I CAN HEAR YOU TOGA!" I hear Dabi yell.

"So you want to come with us?" I say looking towards Shigaraki who was a couple seat down from me.

"Oh! I didn't notice he was here!" Toga says.

"You really should go Shigaraki you haven't left the base in a long time." Kurogiri tells him.

"Tch I guess I'll go." Shigaraki says.

"Yay! Let's go (Y/n)-chan!" Toga says grabbing my hand.

"I'll open a portal to the mall" Kurogiri says while opening a portal.

Toga drags me through the portal and Shigaraki follow behind us putting up his hoodie hood because he doesn't want a hero to recognize him.

"Where should we go first (Y/n)-chan!?" Toga says as me enter the very crowded mall.

"I have never been shopping before so you can choose Toga." I say.


"Uh a bed room." I say.

"Oh ya. Anyway! We should go it Spencer's first! They have cute tops!" Toga drags me towards a store.

Before we go in she stops.

"Oh! And dont go into the back of the store! You are too pure for such things!" She tells me.

(Im pretty sure everyone that has been to Spencer's knows NOT to go in the back. Bless your soul if you she seen the contents XD)

"What's in the back? And I'm 21! How old are you? Like 16? If anyone is too pure it'd be you! But I'm not going to question it." I say.

"Good!" She says then pulls me into the store.

After a bit of shopping I have found a couple shirts I like and Toga walks over to me.

"(Y/n)-chan! Are you done yet!?" She asks.

"Ya I think so. But question how am I going to pay? I don't have any money." I ask her.

"Just give them to me! I'll buy them!" She says and takes the shirts from me.

She walks up to the cash register and gives them 30,000 yen and they get her change.

"Woah Toga how did you get that much money!?" I ask her.

She signals for me to lean in and she whispers in my ear

"I robbed a bank. hehehehe!" She says and grabs my hand and drags me out of the store.

I look around and realize Shigaraki is gone.

"Ah Toga? Do you know where Shigaraki went?" I ask her.

"Nope!" She says while continuing to walk.

I follow her looking around through the crowd to see if I could spot him.

I spotted a black hoodie like the one he was wearing near the water fountain in the middle of the mall.

I look closer and I see a set of green and black hair right next to him.

Isnt that the kid that punched me?

I walk towards them but still stay at an distance and observe their conversation about how Shigaraki could kill anyone of the innocent citizen at any moment and even the boy himself if he dared to speak or move.

I see a brown haired girl coming towards them with a very worried look. She tried to confront Shigaraki but I stopped her.

"Heyyy girlll~ How did you d-do your hair it's like so cute~" I act like a drink person and hang on her shoulder to occupy her attention so Shigaraki has more time to talk with the kid.

"Oh ma'am I'm sorry but I'm kind of in a hurry can you let go of me." She asks.

"No deal sister! You are way to cute for me to let you leave!" I say hugging her even tighter.

"Ma'am please let me go or I'll have to inform security." She tells me.

"Whyyy??!! Are you being meannnnn!!" I ask her.

"Uraraka what happening?" A guy with blue eyes and rectangle glasses asked the girl.

I get off her quickly.

Aw shit gotta go.

"Uh actually I gotta go by sister!" I say quickly running to Shigaraki and grabbing his hand running towards the exit. In the mid way to the exit Toga spots us and follows.

We get outside and into an ally without getting cought.

"What happened!? Why were you guys running!" Toga asks.

"Yes why did we run out? I was just about to kill the kid!" Shigaraki says.

"Well I distracted his friend as long as I could before this other one came. I bought you about an extra 10 minutes to talk to the kid." I say while leaning on the wall trying to catch my breath.

Shigaraki seems suprised.


He says as I enter the portal that just opened.



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