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"Show off-" someone mumbles.

"Let's eat!" I say ignoring them.
(y/n) POV

After we finished eating I washed the dishes.

After drying them and putting them away in their correct spots I look around and see that almost everyone has left.

Well except for Shigaraki and Hari.

I walk over to the island and lean on it. Im pretty tired saying that it's around 10 or 11. There isn't any clocks near by so I'm not sure completely.

I yawn loudly catching the two males glares.

"Well I guess it's time for bed." Shigaraki says while getting up from his seat.

"I'll walk you two to your room." Hari says.

*Yawn* "No need Hari~ I think I got the route to the rooms figured out." I say mid-yawn stretching my arms above my head.

"No declining." Hari says while also standing up.

"Well can't argue with you." I push my self off the island and walk towards the exit, the two males following not far behind.

As we walk down the hall I walk infront of the two. They are extremely quiet but everytime I glance behind me they are giving each other deadly glares.

They must not like each other. I don't want them to hate each other either. It'd be bad if my husband and best friend are rivals.

We turn the corner to the hall with our room and I stop infront of the (f/c) door.

I turn around and give a big smile to Hari.

"Goodnight Hari." I say.

"Goodnight." He replies.

Then I open the door to my room entering it and Shigaraki closes it behind us.

"Uhhhh I'm so tiredd." I complain flooring onto my bed. Causing a wave of dust to fly up from it.

I cough at the foreign material I breathed in.

"Did they not bother to even dust my room?!" I say getting up from the bed.

I grap the sheets and shake off the dust that was layered on it.

"I wasn't even gone for 3 months. Why is there so much dust?" I question myself and flip back onto the now dustless bed.

I crawl under the layers of blankets and get comfy.

I look up to see Shigaraki still standing awkwardly by the door.

"Come on. I bet you're tired to." I say pointing at the empty spot next to me.

He seems a bit suprised but still gets in bed.

"Night." I say as I turn off the side lamp making the room pitch dark because of the lack of windows.

"Night." I barely hear him whisper.

I smile as I fall asleep.

(~Da morning~)

I wake up to my head hitting the cold ground with a thud.

"What the hell-" I say rubbing the small bump on my head.

"Time to wake up." I hear someone say.

I get up from the ground to see a slightly annoyed Shigaraki.

Aw shit what did I do.

"I'm awake!" I say standing up.

"It's almost 1. You said you'd go get new games with me. we need to go before the stores get busy after lunch." Shigaraki explained.

✔️𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 - Shigaraki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now