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Ngl it's 1:31am and I'm really tired so I half ass edited this and just fixed shit google docs said was wrong. If there is anything wrong spelling wise etc, lmk and I'll fix it. I should just edit this tomorrow, but I wanna post so....

*Colby's POV*

"I can't believe you forgot to grab breast milk" Sam grumbled, placing the tub of formula on the counter.

"Shut up, I'm sorry, okay. It's not like I do this every day" I grumbled back, grabbing the formula and her bottle. "Thank you for getting it for me. I owe you man" I scooped the powder into the bottle, letting the water soak it up and warm it.

Sam stared at me as I shook the bottle, mixing the powdered into the water.

"I love you Colby, but what the hell are we doing?" Sam asked, his arms outstretched on the counter as he leaned forward.

"Feeding Leighton's baby" I mumbled, extremely tired.


"I'm not in the mood Sam. I need to feed this baby so we can all go to bed"

I handed Kat the bottle, and the second the nipple hit Gemma's mouth, it was like music to all of our ears.

"She has to be exhausted from crying for almost an hour" Sam grumbled and I nodded, not having the energy to reply.

"I can take it from here Kat if you want to go to bed" I offered and she shook her head.

"Get some sleep Colby. I got it"

"No, it's my job-"

"Colby. It's okay. We all agreed that with Leigh in treatment, it's a team effort. I'm more awake than you are, just go get some sleep and we'll regroup when you aren't about to pass out"


"Say good morning Colby!" I heard Kat coo, feeling a weight on my back. "Don't roll over, you'll squash her" Kat warned and I nodded, bending my arms so they were by my head, making my back flatter.

"Dude, she's three months old. No need to flex your muscles" Kat teased and I rolled my eyes.

"She's not three months till tomorrow" I mumbled, my eyes closing. "Don't let her fall"

"I won't. I got here. It's noon though, and she's being fussy" Kat announced and I groaned.

"Great" I mumbled.

"Aaliyah texted me, asking if you died. Apparently you haven't been answering her texts"

"I've been dealing with her crab ass of a goddaughter" I grumbled and Kat swatted my back, causing me to wince and my back to tense.

"Be nice. If anyone's a crab ass, it's you. Now get up! We're wasting the day away" Kat picked Gemma up off my back, laughing as I groaned feeling her spit up hit my back.

"Are you kidding me? What, did you hold her upside down and squish her tummy?" I asked, feeling the liquid on my back.

"That's exactly what I did, sorry" She snickered and I flipped her off.

"Can you wipe it off please, with the spit up towel so I don't get her spit up on my sheets? Now I need to shower"

"You're such a baby" She mumbled, wiping the white bubbly liquid off my back.

"It kind of looks like cu-"

I cut her off, "Shut the fuck up" I glared, pushing myself up off the mattress.

"Colby's grumpy isn't he" Kat cooed to Gemma.


"You cannot give an almost three month old ice cream, Colby!" Kat scolded, swatting the cone away.

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