Chapter 80 Battle for the Crown?

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Chapter 80 Battle for the Crown?

Pyruz looked towards their little brother, Kayan, his eyes were sleepy, but his eyebrows knitted together as if something bothered him.

"Well tell him what you just told me." Pyruz turned towards Theor who stiffened as all eyes turned to him mockingly.

"I was... I said... I was jesting." Theor said not at all calculating that this well-known trickster would call him out on his disrespectful tone.

"No, no, not at all, you weren't jesting." Pyruz gave an amused smile. "You were so confident before, go ahead, tell your prince what you told me."

"Please... I was jesting... I didn't mean anything by it-"

"Say it." Kayan spoke once more as he opened his eyes slightly to look at the noble.

"I said... Just because you are the first prince and believe that you will be chosen for the crown, does not give you the right to be full of yourself. His highness the third prince Prince Pyruz should compete with you for the throne." Theor grimaced as he saw Satar's usual genuine sweet smile turn into a frosty one without amusement.

"So does this mean you are trying to create a faction for my brother Pyruz?" Satar walked around the table, heading towards the noble who seemed to shrink in his chair lower and lower.

"No, no.. that wasn't... I didn't mean it like that -"

"So what did you mean?" Satar said as he finally stood right behind Theor's chair. "What were you trying to prove?"

"I just... I don't know... I ... I'm sorry your highness, I've made a grave mistake." He fell from his chair and bowed on both knees, prostrating himself to the first prince.

"A mistake?" Satar ridiculed. "More like treason."

"I'll take any punishment you see fit your highness." Theor said as fear coursed down his spine.

"Big brother." Kayan finally spoke.

"What is it little Yan?" Satar turned dotingly towards his cute little brother.

"I'll keep him."

"Are you sure? He might be a little slimy."

"It's okay." Kayan yawned as he stretched his back and stood up sluggishly. "I need someone to help me with the library."

"Oh? Then fine, if he steps out of line end him, big brother will help you settle any unruly nobles."

As everything was settled the brothers went their own way since Kayan was tired of socializing, even if he didn't speak much. But the party continued after his leave, giving him cheers when he wasn't there and congratulating him with more presents that were sent to his mansion.


"Forsh, go call for the children I need to speak to them." Azami ordered her messenger maid who soon disappeared to fetch the royal children.

A few minutes passed when all older boys raced towards the throne room and shoved themselves through the door, which was impossible since the throne room doors were enormous.

"Kids calm down." The Empress sighed with a small smile at these beautiful children. "So, tell me about your day, how has everyone been?"

Satar didn't beat around the bush as he stepped forward with a bow. "First prince Satar greets Imperial mother! This prince has been enjoying training the new recruits, and I've already started forming my own battalion, I'm excited, Imperial father also said that he will teach me how to summon my inner demon strength! Imperial mother, if I may, where is Imperial father?"

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