Chapter 73 Stick With Me

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"What would you like for me to cook?" The next morning the lightened mood of the soldiers emerged with ease, and to support their mood Nadain spoke up about their deal made a while ago but couldn't fulfil because of the scarcity of wild game in the desert.

"Don't bother, since we are unfamiliar with you, we will not risk ourselves with unnecessary danger." One of the soldiers spoke up with a glare towards Nadain.

In return Nadain looked offended, how dare a mere soldier speak to her this way? Even their general favored her, with a say from her, she could have this man before her beheaded. But she wanted to keep herself from looking like a ruthless person and shrugged it off. Later when she was alone with the general will she make a comment about this insubordination.

"Have you seen her?"

"Of course I haven't, you were blocking the way with your big ass head!"

"What big head? Big head your sister! I can write a whole novel on her!"

"As if you can even write, you illiterate swine!"

A conversation between two soldiers caught Nadain's attention.

"Anyways! She was a beauty, not much I can say about your sister..." The soldier to the left said.

"I heard that you ass, quit talking about my angel sister!" The right soldier hissed.

"Angel? You do know we are demons, right? Or did you wake up on the wrong side of the ground you dog." The left soldier snickered.

"I sometimes wonder that she must have been born on the wrong race, she should have been reincarnated as an angel looking down below to their subjects." The right soldier sighed as he thought of his little sister.

"Her name is Azami right?"

"What? No it's Dana."


"..." The right soldier looked at the left soldier as if he was an idiot.

"You mean the Demon woman..." He said it as a confirmation, which right soldier received with a simple nod. "Yes her name is Azami."

"What are you two idiots talking about?" A random soldier popped into their conversation.

"What's it to ya?!" The right soldier gave a glare as he turned around, his face completely going white, before him stood Galuth, their captain.

"What's it to me? Well, because everyone is working setting up camp while you two are picking clovers, I think I deserve to know why you two are slacking." Galuth gave a chilling smile.

Galuth was one of many female soldiers that became a captain to a troop of soldiers. In the demon race they didn't discriminate between gender, since they were all strong and everyone had their own sets of skills and weaknesses. This captain before them was top notch, at age ten she took down a full-fledged royal soldier, escaped an entire group of knights that chased after her for stealing from a food stand and almost decapitated a second in command general. At age 15 she was finally captured by their lord for trying to steal his horse. But of course, because their young prince at the time was older and of royal blood he stopped her without effort. And not to mention the very same horse he has only obeyed royal blood and was bound to its master which in that case it was Tonauac.

She held two options; join their family of soldiers or hang at the kingdom walls for committing crime and not benefiting the Demon race. And here she is now, at age 119 the youngest commander known to all of the lands. She is second only to the Demon Lord and stands by his side as a shield and an advisor.

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