Lucky to have you

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I sighed as I tried to organize my thoughts and tell Soda how I felt. I opened my mouth ,but no words came out. I looked up at him to see his hopeful eyes looking back at me. I cleared my throat just to avoid the awkward silence.

"I'm not good enough.." I blurted out

As soon as I said that I felt as if it were a confirmation to the way I felt already. I waited and waited for Soda to say something ,but it was quiet. I was beginning to become impatient when I heard him take a deep breath.

" Becca.....How could you possibly believe something like that?

I bit my lip and felt the sticky liquid start to drip into my mouth. He stood there trying to think about what to say next. Now I was the one waiting with hopeful eyes.

"Becca.. If you weren't good enough do you think that I'd actually be with you? He asked while raising his eyebrows

"Gee that makes me feel so much better.." I said while rolling my eyes

"I'm not finished!" He whined

"As I was saying.. I wouldn't be here right now if you weren't good enough. Baby I love you because you're perfectly imperfect. You don't see yourself the way I see you. You're my personal angel that was sent from heaven. Thank you for simply being you." He whispered

I tried to swallow ,but I felt my throat extremely dry. I felt a smile cross my face ,and let out a chuckle. Soda looked me confused as to why I was laughing.

"What am I going to do with you?" I asked as I pulled him into a hug.

"You could love me back.." He muffled into my neck

"But I already do.." I said

Now it was his turn to smile. His eyes lit up and his grin widened. I couldn't help ,but feel grateful for having someone like him. He kissed my forehead, than my cheek, than my other one. Than my chin, the corner of my mouth.

"Stop being such a tease!" I whined

He chuckled ,but kept leaving butterfly kisses down my neck. When he reached my collarbone he planted another kiss. Then he began to suck harshly. I gasped at the feeling ,but felt myself ease at the waves of pleasure rippling through my body. Suddenly he pulled away. I immediately opened my eyes and looked to see him staring at me with a smirk in his face.

"You're unbelievable" I said annoyed

"And you're impossible" He replied while leaning down to plant a kiss on my lips.

I quickly responded back ,and felt my lips mold into his lips. Like our lips were puzzle pieces ,and they fit perfectly. I pulled away due to lack of oxygen. Our forehead s touched ,and in that moment all I could do was treasure this moment of pure bliss. Until my phone rang. I sighed annoyed until I noticed it was my father.Well, he didn't deserve the title of father. More like a stranger. I gulped ,and accepted the call, waiting to hear the voice of the man I hadn't spoken to in ten years.





I'm so so sorry for not updating in so ling! I've so busy with school and other things, that I totally forgot about this story. I promise I will be updating weekly. Again so sorry ,and I love you all


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