Heartfelt Heartbreak

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I waited while my "father" was trying to explain himself and apologize for everything. To make things short and simple, my father was a abusive alcoholic who also liked to lock us up. He had this weird theory. Simple and sweet he called it.

Pain = Pleasure

I know it seems kind of cruel and disgusting ,and I totally agree. He finally left when I turned 10. I wasn't surprised though, when he'd told me he was trying to contact me for a while now. I felt my hands twitch and my lip quiver. I was NOT going to cry over him. No matter how much pain and suffering he caused me. So I looked up at Soda and smiled. A genuine smile. Not a fake or make believe one. And with one simple motion I clicked the end call button.
Heyyyy guyssss so sorry this chapter is pretty short and crappy ,but I just wanted to update. Xoxo

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