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'Hey, I'm Taylor. Nice to meet you,' I said as I stood in front of the tall, stunningly beautiful supermodel with my hand outstretched. Her eyes were a mixture of green and blue, and I had to stop myself from getting lost in them. 

The woman gripped my hand gently in her own, and I almost gasped as a pleasant tingle shot up my arm. 'Nice to meet you, Taylor. I'm Karlie, Karlie Kloss,' she replied with a beaming smile. It was so bright that I was sure even the sun would be jealous. 


That was two months ago, and right now, I was on my way to a party that I knew she would be attending. I was a little nervous that she would be able to tell that I had unfortunately developed a little crush on her. It wasn't something I was majorly worried about, I got crushes all the time, on both men and women, and they usually went away after a few weeks. It was more the fact that she seemed to be able to see right through me. Oh, and she has a boyfriend. 

Joshua Kushner; I stalked Karlie on the internet as soon as I got home after the first time we met and found some articles about them. Josh was a businessman, quite a bit older than Karlie and related to the Trumps, which had instantly given me the ick. However, I wasn't going to judge him based solely on that; his brother was married to Ivanka, not him. And I'd hate for my family to be judged because of who I am, though I'm pretty sure that already happend. 

Overall though, Josh seemed like a decent person, not that it was any of my business who Karlie dated. It was just that we'd been texting a lot since we first met at the VSFS, and I was pretty sure we were friends now and wasn't it a friend's job to vet their other friend's boyfriends and make sure they weren't psychopaths? And luckily for Karlie, Josh seemed like a nice, normal guy, if not a bit boring. Still, I did secretly hope that she'd left him at home. 

My car pulled up outside Ellen's party venue, and I felt my nerves turn to excitement. 'There doesn't seem to be any paps, Miss Swift,' my driver, Joe, informed me as I unbuckled my seat belt. 

'Great thanks, Joe,' I smiled before grabbing the birthday bag from the floor. I was always grateful when I could enter and exit somewhere without multiple cameras in my face. 

Joe got out of the car and opened my door. I gave him a nod of thanks before I turned and made my way inside the club. Everything was lit up neon blue with a splash of white, and it was very loud. 

I spotted Selena almost immediately, and she had obviously noticed me too because she was already making her way over, 'Hey, bestie,' she grinned as she stopped in front of me. 

I let out a chuckle as I grabbed her hand and gestured for her to do a twirl. 'You look hot,' I smirked as she spun around. 'Hoping to get lucky tonight?' 

Selena laughed and smacked me on the arm. 'No,' she replied before she lowered her voice. 'Justin is supposed to be here.' She was blushing, and I tried my best not to let the disgust I was feeling show on my face, but clearly, I was unsuccessful. 

'Oh, great. I'm happy for you,' I said as I tried to force a smile. I wasn't a big fan of Justin. Selena deserved much better than a boy who constantly broke her heart. 

Selena snorted and raised her eyebrow. 'Maybe try telling your face that, Tay,' she smirked before pulling me into a hug. 'The gift table is over there.' She pointed to the other side of the room. 'Oh, and Karlie is over there with Cara and Lilly and someone else I don't know.' 

My eyes snapped in the direction she was pointing in, and I felt my breath catch in my throat; Karlie was wearing a white sleeveless maxi dress with a black satin bow, and she looked stunning and very elegant; her hair always looked like it had just fallen into place. It was in waves tonight, and I instantly decided that she should wear it that way more often. 

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