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Taylor's POV: 

I had been living in New York for just over a week, and everything was great. I had finished my album; I had made some great friends, and I felt happier than I had in a long time. There was something so freeing about living in a big city, and while the paps were still almost everywhere, it was easier to sneak around. Not that I'd been doing much of that, but if I ever needed to, well, it wouldn't be impossible and Karlie had promised to show me all her hiding spots. 

I smiled to myself as I finished hanging the last of the balloons; I had been roped into throwing a housewarming party, nothing big, just a few friends, some food, music and good conversation. I would see Selena for the first time in months; we weren't often in the same place at the same time, and I missed her. 

Karlie was also going to be here as well, and things with us were kind of up in the air. I had only seen her once since our last kiss, and we hadn't spoken about it. She had made it extremely clear that she was very much still with Josh, which, while it hurt, I had decided that it was probably for the best. 

After a lot of consideration, I had concluded that I was being ridiculous in thinking a relationship between us would ever work. She was Karlie Kloss; a VS fashion model with a boyfriend. And I was Taylor Swift, a world-famous singer with a reputation for being a man-eater, who apparently had never had a relationship that lasted longer than a few months. It would never work, and the world wasn't ready to hear the truth about me or my sexuality. 

I would eventually talk with Karlie, but only when we were both sober and level-headed. I needed her to understand that she couldn't just kiss me wherever she fancied and that if we were going to be friends, there had to be boundaries. I thought the months we spent apart would lessen my crush, but all the texts, calls and Skype dates we had in between only made it stronger, which was a tad inconvenient but hopefully not impossible to manage. 

I looked at my watch and realised that I needed to get a move on if I was going to be ready in time for everyone showing up. Moving to my bedroom, I grabbed a quick shower before I got dressed and sorted my hair and makeup. I settled on a black mini dress and red heels, my usual painted red lips and wavy hair. Looking in the mirror, I smirked at how good I looked. Cara would be there tonight, so maybe I could have a little bit of fun. 

It had been months since I'd had sex, and I was starting to feel frustrated to the point where I had been having sex dreams. Karlie was, unfortunately, the star of the show, and my toys just weren't cutting it. I needed a real person to sate my hunger, and the woman I wanted wasn't an option. However, Cara very much was, and I was sure she would have no objections. 

The first person to arrive was Ed; Selena joined him not long after, and by half-past eight, everyone was in attendance. Karlie had arrived around half past seven with Martha, Lily, Cara and Kendall. Cara's eyes had nearly bugged out of her skull when she'd seen my outfit, and that told me all I needed to know. 

I didn't catch Karlie's reaction since I couldn't stop staring at her. She looked stunning in a skin-tight Navy blue skirt and black halter neck top that showed off her very shiny abs. It was her legs that caught my attention the most, though; they were very long, smooth, tanned legs that, at that moment, I wanted to be wrapped around me. God, I really needed to get laid. 

I heard someone clear their throat, and I snapped my eyes in their direction; it was Ed, he was smiling at me as his blue eyes twinkled knowingly. 'Are you going to introduce me to your mates, Taylor?' He asked in his thick British accent. 

I nodded, happy for the distraction. I chanced another glance at Karlie, who looked like she was deep in thought. Turning back to Ed, I pointed towards the girls and introduced them. They all shook his hand apart from Cara and Karlie; the former who pulled him into a bear hug happy to have someone from her own soil to chat with, and the latter who eyed him skeptically before she turned to me. 

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